• 英语常见易混词语

    22-11-16 近义词是个让不少英语学习者感到头疼的难题,尤其是当它们的意思非常接近,词性也完全相同时,使用起来就难上加难。辨析近义词区别最好的方式就是凭借语意、场景和语境找出相近词语之间的不同点。做下面的小测验,根据场景,辨别并选出你认为最恰当的选项。 1. Which w...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 25

    22-07-18 The oddest of Philips masters was his teacher of French. Monsieur Ducroz was a citizen of Geneva. He was a tall old man, with a sallow skin and hollow cheeks; his gray hair was thin and long. He wore shabby black clothes, with holes at the elbows of...

  • 词组是否含有定冠词the意义大不同 下

    22-07-04 7. In case of意为假使;如果;万一;in the case of意为就来说。如: In case of fire,ring the alarm. 如有火灾,按火警铃。 In the case of a physical change no new substance is formed. 就物理变化来说,没有新的物质产生。 8. Other意为另外的人或物,泛指;t...