• 为什么狗与主人团聚时“喜极而泣”?

    22-11-25 While dog owners are familiar with face-licking and tail-wagging, a new study has found that dogs can cry tears of joy to express their emotions. 狗主人对狗舔人脸和摇尾巴的行为再熟悉不过了,但一项新研究发现,狗还能用喜悦的泪水表达自己的情绪。 Katey...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 4

    22-07-13 Philip parted from Emma with tears, but the journey to Blackstable amused him, and, when they arrived, he was resigned and cheerful. Blackstable was sixty miles from London. Giving their luggage to a porter, Mr. Carey set out to walk with Philip to...