• 盲人少年王子安皇家伯明翰音乐学院录取

    18-01-10 Wang Zian, an 18-year-old blind teenager in Baiyun District, southern Chinas Guangdong Province, was enrolled by the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, one of the top music colleges in the United Kingdom, after several years of efforts, dayoo.com repor...

  • 人生不同年龄段的说法

    15-06-08 infant/baby 婴幼儿 (刚出生、1岁以内的孩子) infancy 婴幼儿期 toddler 学步儿童(1到3岁学着走路的孩子) toddlerhood 学步期 preschooler 学前儿童(3到5岁的孩子) early childhood 幼儿期 school children 学龄儿童(6到12岁已经开始上学的孩子) middle childh...

  • 美国少年刷新魔方破解世界纪录

    15-05-08 The Rubik's Cube has puzzled the minds of millions for decades, with most people giving up before ever coming close to finishing the notoriously difficult game. 数十年来,极其难解的鲁比克魔方困扰了数以百万计的挑战者,他们中的大部分人都在破解到一定程...