• 鹿晗与井柏然将加盟《盗墓笔记》

    16-05-25 An upcoming movie Time Raiders or Dao Mu Bi Ji in Chinese will gratify audience members with another helping of fresh meat since two young heartthrobs Lu Han and Jing Boran co-star in it. 鹿晗与井柏然两名小鲜肉将加盟即将上映的《盗墓笔记》,中国的观...

  • 11个有趣的习语表达背后的故事 上

    16-05-05 我们为什么要谈stealing someones thunder(抢别人的风头,直译为偷走某人的雷声)? steal someones thunder短语释义为:win praise for oneself by pre-empting someone elses attempt to impress,意思为先发制人地打动别人,为自己赢得赞誉。这个故事来自于18世纪...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 53

    16-05-05 The fortunes of those who have figured in this tale are nearly closed. The little that remains to their historian to relate, is told in few and simple words. Before three months had passed, Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie were married in the village c...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 51

    16-05-05 The events narrated in the last chapter were yet but two days old, when Oliver found himself, at three oclock in the afternoon, in a travelling-carriage rolling fast towards his native town. Mrs. Maylie, and Rose, and Mrs. Bedwin, and the good docto...

  • idea debt 空想时期

    16-04-29 Idea debt is when you spend too much time picturing what a project is going to be like, too much time thinking about how awesome it will be to have this thing done and in the world, too much time imagining how cool you will look, how in demand youll...

  • Chronic lateness 惯常迟到

    16-04-20 Chronic lateness is related to procrastination. Latecomers and procrastinators have trouble NOT with time, but with self-discipline. They may also have underlying anxiety about the task theyre faced with. 惯常迟到跟拖延症相关。经常迟到的人和患有拖延...

  • Middle East time 中东时间

    16-03-29 Chinese President Xi Jinping started a five-day trip to the Middle East on Tuesday. The timing of President Xis Middle East visits to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran indicates Chinas diplomacy has entered its Middle East time . 19日,国家主席习近平开始...

  • 原子状态下实时监控材料表面变化

    16-03-16 A team of researchers at Aix Marseille Universit in Marseille, France led by Dr. Frdric Leroy developed a technique that allows them to follow physical processes occurring at surfaces of materials at the atomic level in situ and in real time. This n...

  • birth time schedule 生育时间表

    16-03-16 Some companies have formulated a birth time schedule that stipulates employees should report to their employers one year prior to a planned second child. 一些公司制定了生育时间表,计划生二孩的员工应提前一年向公司报告。 生育时间表(birth time schedul...

  • Variations to the Accompaniment of a Cloud

    16-03-15 Variations to the Accompaniment of a Cloud W. S. Merwin Because I do not hope ever again to pass this way I sing these notes now in silence each in its own time one morning near the end of spring among the invisible unheard stars I sing this one tim...