• 《败犬求婚日》六

    12-05-07 影片对白 Waiter: Dekko? Declan: Uh-huh! Waiter: A customer said the chicken's dry. Declan: The what's what? Waiter: The chicken. It's dry. Declan: It's a pie. It's delicious. Alex, you're in charge . Don't blow anything up. All right, which one of y...

  • Eye-gazing party 对眼相亲会

    12-04-24 Eye-gazing party is a dating trend based on the practice of speed-dating in which participants do not speak to each other but instead, gaze at each other for a set amount of time before moving on. Eye-gazing party(对眼相亲会)是在速配相亲基础上发展...

  • elevator pitch 电梯游说

    12-04-17 An elevator pitch (or elevator statement) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition. The name elevator pitch reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary...

  • “时间机器”将用于研究早期宇宙

    12-04-12 A new scientific instrument, a time machine of sorts, built by UCLA astronomers and colleagues, will allow scientists to study the earliest galaxies in the universe, which could never be studied before. The five-ton instrument, the most advanced and...

  • Love & Time

    12-04-11 Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except...

  • 《大地惊雷》五

    12-03-28 精彩对白 LeBoeuf: I am not accustomed to so large a fire. In Texas, we'll make do with a fire of little more than twigs or buffalo chips, heat the nights ration of beans. And, it is Ranger policy never to make your camp in the same place as your coo...

  • Man crush 男人间的欣赏

    12-03-12 Man crush is a strong emotion a straight man shows when he respects, admires and idolizes another man, totally non-sexual. Celebrities, athletes and rock stars are often the object of the man crush. When you have a man crush on another man, you woul...

  • 使用夏令时会使员工消极怠工

    12-03-08 The annual shift to daylight saving time and its accompanying loss of sleep cause employees to spend more time than normal surfing the Web for content unrelated to their work, resulting in potentially massive productivity losses, according to resear...

  • 公交运营词汇

    12-03-08 operating 运营,营运 (公共交通的运输和经营) passenger transport 客运 (城市公共交通企业运送乘客的业务) working shift 劳动班次 (一天中,司机、乘务员工作时间的安排) one-piece run 整班 (司机、乘务员连续工作的劳动班次) every other run 分班 (司机...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 11

    12-03-06 Poor Mac Rose's sacrifice was a failure in one respect, for, though the elders loved her the better for it, and showed that they did, the boys were not inspired with the sudden respect which she had hoped for. In fact, her feelings were much hurt by...