• 关于车的英文表达

    22-06-07 1. I had a puncture when I was driving back from work. 我下班回家的时候车胎扎了。 2. My cars been having engine trouble recently. 我的车发动机最近经常出问题。 3. I left my car lights on and now the battery is flat. 我忘关车灯了。现在电都没了。 4. I...

  • 赛轮股份投资2亿美元在越南建子公司

    15-12-10 A leading Chinese tire manufacturer, Sailun Co. Ltd. said its Vietnam subsidiary will invest up to 200 million U.S. dollars in tire production in the Southeast Asian country. 中国一家龙头轮胎制造商,赛轮股份称,其越南子公司的投资将增加到2亿美元。 Sa...
