• 用程度副词修饰形容词比较级

    22-12-05 他比我高 用英语说是 He is taller than me.。如果想说他比我 高一点 或 高很多,应该在 taller 前加上哪类词? 用法总结 1. 在形容词比较级前用 a bit、a little 或 slightly 来比较两者的细微差别。 I think its slightly warmer today. He said that the test was a...

  • off用法

    22-06-28 1. 表示出发或是离开。 Were off. / Off we go. 我们走了。 2. 表示不上班,休息。 I am off today. 我今天不上班。 3. 表示不营业。 Were off today. 今天我们不开张。 4. 表示距离。 She lives off campus. 她住在校外。 5. 表示从移开。 Off my sofa. 给我从沙发上...

  • on fire 非常好

    22-06-10 本意是着火,在口语中常用来表示一个人状态特别好,手感特别好,表现得很好,也可以用来形容一个事物非常好 例句: Damn, that party was on fire. 我去,那派对简直不要太赞。 You are on fire today. 你今天状态特别好/火力全开...

  • today years old 今天才知道

    22-04-12 在日常生活中,你肯定也经历过这样的时刻。 有些事情明明不是什么秘密,很多人早就知道了,你却是今天才知道。这种情况要怎么用英语表示呢? 可能很多同学的答案会是 I know it today。 today years old 今天才知道;今天才体验过 其实,更地道的表达应该是 today year...

  • slack off 偷懒

    22-03-01 坐在课室上课没有精神时,坐在办公室没有心思工作时,该怎么办呢?只好是不被别人发现的情况下,偷个懒,打混摸鱼,而Slack off是口语上很常见的说法。请看例句: Tony:I just want to slack off today. 我今天想偷懒。 Andy: Isnt that what you did yesterday? 你昨...

  • 英语常见缩略语 进阶版

    21-09-01 JK just kidding开玩笑 LMAO laughing my ass off笑死 RUOK are you ok你还好吗 NP no problem没问题 WRU where are you你在哪 ASAP as soon as possible越快越好 BFF best friend forever死党 FYI/FYR for your information / for your reference供参考 AFAIK as far...

  • FYI 供你参考

    21-01-31 FYI 是 for your information 的缩写,意思是 供你参考。人们用 FYI 快速、简单地告诉他人自己将提供一些别人原本可能不知道的信息。 FYI 既可以用于句首,也可以用于句尾。它多被用在书面语中,但也越来越多地被用于口语交流中。 例句 FYI, the meeting time has been...

  • You Have a Choice

    17-05-16 I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rai...

  • What's Gucci 近来如何

    15-04-13 Derived from the original rapper Gucci Mang, the term what's Gucci can be used to replace: what's up, how are you, what's good, what's going on or what are you doing today. It is a very hood term and is mostly used by tall skinny black kids. What's...

  • 加倍重视自己的价值

    13-05-22 Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. A mulberry leaf(桑叶) touched with the genius of man becomes silk. A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle. A Cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine. A cut...