• 酒量

    21-11-10 酒量的英文是alcohol tolerance。 酒量好可以说: have a high tolerance / be a heavy weight heavy weight:重量级,喝酒场景下的重量级就是很能喝。 酒量不好可以说: have a low tolerance/ be a light weight light weight,轻量级,引申为酒量差。 例句: My fri...

  • 小麦的抗寒性可影响到开花时间

    10-07-01 New research by UC Davis wheat geneticist(遗传学者) Jorge Dubcovsky and his colleagues could lead to new strategies for improving freezing tolerance in wheat, which provides more than one-fifth of the calories consumed by people around the world....

  • 零容忍 zero tolerance

    09-08-30 司机一滴酒,亲人两行泪。最近一段时间,酒后驾车接连酿惨剧。为了不让血淋林的惨剧重演,公安部已下令开展为期两个月的惩治酒后驾车专项行动,对酒后驾车实行零容忍。 请看《中国日报》的报道: According to the Beijing traffic management bureau, 103 people have...
