• Red carpet moocher 毯星

    15-05-26 Red carpet moochers refer to those actresses dressing glamorously and walking the red carpet of international film festivals. They usually did't appear in any of the films. 毯星指的是那些在各大国际电影节上衣着高调走红毯,却两手空空、没有作品的女明星...

  • nerdsplaining 书呆子解释

    14-12-17 Nerdsplaining means explaining in an overly intellectual, obsessively detailed way, particularly when the topic is obscure or highly technical. 书呆子解释即用过分智力的、详尽的方式解释某事,特别是当主题比较晦涩或科技含量很高时。 Example: I really j...

  • Facebook2014十大热门话题榜

    14-12-14 Facebook has revealed the biggest topics that have got its 1.3 billion users talking during 2014. Facebook通过分析全球13亿用户在过去一年中的贴文,已于近日公布了2014年度十大热门话题榜。 The World Cup was the most popular global topic on the social ne...

  • Conversational Blue Balls 对话蓝球

    14-03-06 When someone brings up a topic when talking but immediately drops it and refuses to switch back to the dropped topic, leaving the other hanging in the middle of a conversation. This annoying thing is called Conversational Blue Balls . 当某个人谈话间...

  • Barbeque stopper 热门话题

    12-09-18 Barbeque stopper , Australian slang, refers to a topic of constant and widespread conversation which is controversial and of contemporary significance. Such topic is likely to interrupt a barbeque with loud debate or discussion, thus called barbeque...

  • 六级模拟试卷 ---- 写作8

    11-03-14 Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:? I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.? The idea had come...
