• toss and turn restlessly 辗转反侧

    22-01-22 辗转反侧,汉语成语,躺在床上翻来覆去睡不着。形容心里有所思念或心事重重。可以翻译为toss and turn restlessly,have a sleepless night或toss about (in bed)等。 例句: 辗转反侧,彻夜未眠 Toss about all night and without getting a wink of sleep 赫特在从巴...

  • toss-up 扔上去

    22-01-04 动词 toss 的意思是扔,掷。如果某个形势被形容为 a toss-up, 那么就意味着两种不同结果发生的几率是一样的。 例句 Its a toss-up between pancakes and risotto tonight. Im not sure what to cook yet. We havent recruited a presenter yet, but its a toss-up betw...
