• be startled at 大吃一惊

    20-12-22 大吃一惊,汉语成语,形容对发生的事感到十分意外。可以翻译为be startled at;be astounded at;be greatly surprised;get a shock。 例句: 查尔斯看到他时大吃一惊。 Charles got a shock when he saw him. 队伍蓦然地进了村子, 使居民们大吃一惊。 The sudden ar...

  • 英国女王伊丽莎白二世的马匹

    20-10-11 Preparing to get back on parade. For the equine stars of Trooping the Colour, training is underway once again. 准备接受检阅。即将参加皇家军队阅兵仪式的马队,训练再次开始。 When the horses come back from grass, its like theyve been sat on a beach for...