• 《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. My alarm didnt go off. 我的闹钟没响。 2. Maybe next time, dont overextend yourself. 下次别这么不自量力了。 3. Were supposed to turn this in, right? 我们是不是应该把这些上交? 4. Happys kind of your point guy on this. 哈皮就算你的联系人了。 5. Dont...

  • take a turn for the better 柳暗花明又一春

    22-08-25 今天我总算是松了口气! 昨天,我姑姑突然觉得胸口疼、头晕、想吐,结果被送到了急救中心! 还好,医生给她检查完之后,她已经不那么难受了。在放心之余,我还想起了一个习惯用语,那就是:Take a turn for the better. 大家都知道,Turn是转变的意思,而better表示更好...

  • 看电视时常用的十句口语

    22-08-18 1. Were not watching this. 我们不看这个。 2. Could you stop flipping the channels? 你能不能不要一直转台啊? 3. Id appreciate it if you could turn it down. 如果你能把音量关小一点的话,我会很感激。 4. I heard that a new sitcom is coming out next seaso...

  • 耍赖

    22-08-12 游戏时耍赖: That doesnt count. 那不算! We werent playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。 欠钱时耍赖: Money has been really tight lately... 最近手头有点紧 Ive had so many other expenses... 我有太多其他的费用要付 犯错时耍赖: Its not my fault. 那不是我...

  • 32个英式日常表达 2

    22-05-20 9、 Touch base 英国人吐槽:Touch base(联系)这让我不停地哆嗦。 英式表达: Touch Base = 意思不大清楚,get in touch/get in contact/make contact with 都更好点。 10、physicality 英国人吐槽:Physicality(物质性)真的是一个词吗? 英式表达: Physicality是泛指...

  • do an about face 转身,转向来的地方

    22-05-09 Do an about face Definition: turn around, return to where someone came from 定义:转身,转向来的地方 Id like you to do an about face and go clean your room! 我想你还是回去打扫下房间! As soon as I got to work I realized Id have to do an about face b...

  • to turn on its head 完全改变

    21-12-24 当我们说 to turn (something) on its head, 这个短语的意思就是完全改变什么事情。另外它也指完全错误的理解了一件事情。 例句 The internet has turned the music industry on its head. Today many people would rather buy their favourite tracks straight from w...

  • turn into a pumpkin 该回家睡觉了

    21-12-02 Turn into a pumpkin 变成南瓜是一个幽默的说法,在日常对话中常用来暗示时间已晚,是时候回家睡觉了。另外,这个表达后面还可以接具体时间来说明某人通常几点睡觉。 习语 turn into a pumpkin 来自童话《灰姑娘》,故事中仙女的魔法在午夜时分准时消失,所以灰姑娘乘...

  • Lazy Susan 餐桌上的转盘

    21-11-12 Lazy Susan 叫苏珊的懒姑娘? 正确意思:餐桌上的转盘 举个例子: Could you turn around the Lazy Susan? 你能转一下餐桌转盘吗?...

  • the luck has turned in one's favor 时来运转

    21-09-29 时来运转,汉语成语,意思是本来处境不利,时机来了,命运也有转机,情境有了很大变化。可以翻译为ones luck improves,the luck has turned in ones favor等。 例句: 他就要时来运转了。 His luck is on the turn. 时来运转,我们赢了。 Fortune turned the tables a...