• 英语美文:One Isn't Always One

    20-03-17 Which is correct: A dozen eggs is? Or A dozen eggs are? I remember being in elementary school, and my teachers making a big deal about the unit. And I never really got that, until one day, I was in the grocery store, and I wanted to buy an apple, bu...

  • 中国将向马里派遣395位维和人员

    18-04-19 China will dispatch 395 peacekeepers in May to Mali for one year on a UN mission. 中国将于五月向马里派遣一支395人的维和人员参加联合国任务。 Officially formed on Wednesday, the battalion will be Chinas sixth batch of peacekeepers to be deployed in Ma...

  • 上海承办威尼斯电影节亚太单元

    17-06-19 The first Asia-Pacific art unit of the Venice Film Festival started selection on Sunday in east Chinas Shanghai. 威尼斯国际电影节亚太单元周日在上海开始进行评选活动。 The films shot from August 1, 2016 to August 15 this year in more than 30 countries...
