• 一些不利于减肥的蔬菜水果

    15-10-05 The humble potato is one of the most fattening vegetables, a study found. 研究发现,平凡无奇的土豆可能是最易使人发胖的蔬菜之一。 The Harvard researchers said that rather than filling up on potatoes, weight-conscious folk should try brown rice or who...

  • 水果蔬菜与人体健康

    14-04-11 Experts say eating a range of fruit and veg is best, as part of a balanced diet, to protect against illness. 专家表示,吃各种水果蔬菜对身体最为有利,可以均衡饮食,预防疾...

  • meatatarian 肉食主义者

    14-03-20 Meatatarian is a person who eats meat virtually to the exclusion of vegetables. It is a reactionary term created in response to vegetarianism. 肉食主义者是专吃肉、不吃蔬菜的人。它是素食主义者的反义词。 Example: Waiter: What can I get you? Mary: A ch...

  • 脉冲光使太空蔬菜更有营养

    14-03-06 Exposing leafy vegetables grown during spaceflight to a few bright pulses of light daily could increase the amount of eye-protecting nutrients produced by the plants, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder. One...

  • 多吃蔬菜能保大脑年轻

    12-09-06 New research on vegetables and aging gives mothers another reason to say I told you so. It found that eating vegetables appears to help keep the brain young and may slow the mental decline sometimes associated with growing old. On measures of mental...

  • 多吃果蔬会变漂亮

    12-03-20 You know eating fruit and vegetables is virtuous. But did you know it can also make you look good? 你知道吃水果和蔬菜有很多好处,但你可知道多吃水果蔬菜会让你变漂亮? People who increased their intake over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and...

  • 多数人未做到“一天一苹果”

    12-01-11 Adults from 30 to 60 years old, especially those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, aren't consuming the daily recommended levels of fruits and vegetables. Quebecers, however, eat more of nature's produce than their fellow Canadians. These are so...

  • 小孩不吃菜可尝试奖励法

    11-12-17 一项英国研究称,如果学龄前小孩不愿吃蔬菜,只要他们尝尝味道,就给他们一些小奖励,或许可以帮助小孩吃下原本不想吃的食物。 If your preschoolers turn up their noses at carrots or celery(芹菜) , a small reward like a sticker for taking even a taste may...

  • 孩子食物中掺入蔬菜提高营养摄取

    11-07-26 Preschool children consumed nearly twice as many vegetables and 11 percent fewer calories over the course of a day when researchers Penn State added pureed vegetables to the children's favorite foods. Childhood obesity rates are on the rise, and at...

  • 研究:摄入蔬菜水果与预防癌症只有微弱的联系

    10-04-07 An analysis by Mount Sinai researchers of over eight years of dietary(饮食的) data from more than 400,000 people has found that the relationship between high consumption of fruits and vegetables and a reduced risk of cancer is not as strong as com...