• 优衣库在美国机场推出服装自动贩卖机

    17-08-06 A fresh new shirt delivered at the push of a button is now on offer for travellers in the US. 在美国的旅客们现在只需按一个按钮,就能买到一件崭新的衬衫。 Japanese fashion brand Uniqlo has installed a vending machine dispensing clothing at Oakland Air...

  • 创意短篇小说售货机在法国遍地开花

    17-07-04 Recently, inventive vending machines have been popping up around France. Instead of dispensing sweet treats or sugary drinks, however, these kiosks distribute short stories. 最近,一种创意售货机在法国遍地开花。不过,这种售货机贩卖的不是糖果或甜饮料...

  • 世界第一台汽车投币贩卖机在美国问世

    15-11-29 Thanks to used-car website Carvana, it is now possible to buy your own set of wheels at the touch of a button, from the world's first and only coin-operated car vending machine in Nashville, Tennessee. It's quick, it's easy, and it's err not cheap,...

  • 意大利企业家发明披萨自动贩卖机

    14-07-11 意大利一名企业家发明了披萨自动贩卖机,顾客每次只需要等待3分钟,便可吃到新鲜出炉的披萨。 A pizza vending machine takes convenience food to a whole new level, delivering fresh pies to customers in just three minutes 24/7. The Let's Pizza unit invented...
