• 能与你聊天的“虚拟助手”

    21-02-08 近来,一种能和人交谈的新技术变得越来越受欢迎。这种被称为虚拟助手的产品可以在我们的手机、电脑甚至是智能扬声器上找的到。它们可以给我们提供有用、琐碎的信息,但这些能和我们聊天的助手会取代并成为和我们日夜促膝长谈的挚友吗? Its good to have friends that...

  • 广东试行微信网证系统

    17-12-27 The city of Guangzhous Public Security Bureau has become the first in China to accept an online ID system through WeChat, reports the Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,广州市公安局开始接受微信网证系统,这在国内尚属首例。 Once a user inputs th...

  • virtual reality devices VR设备

    16-04-28 After witnessing journalists carrying selfie sticks and wearing Google glasses during the previous annual two sessions, this year is the turn of virtual reality devices . 往年两会期间我们会看到新闻记者携带自拍杆,佩戴谷歌眼镜,今年换成了VR设备。 VR...

  • 虚拟现实可以用于对抗肥胖?

    16-02-28 Virtual reality offers promising new approaches to assessing and treating people with weight-related disorders, and early applications are revealing valuable information about body image. The advantages of virtual reality (VR) for evaluating body im...

  • 奇虎360进军虚拟现实领域

    16-01-15 Qihoo 360, China's biggest online security service provider, is expanding into the booming virtual reality sector, as it released a Virtual-reality helmet on Thursday. 中国最大的网络安全服务提供商奇虎360正在进入蓬勃发展的虚拟现实领域,本周四该公司发...

  • 虚拟现实技术有望在2016年爆发

    16-01-07 This year's Consumer Electronics Show will run from January 6 to 9 in the Sin City. 2016年国际消费电子展将于1月6号至9号在拉斯维加斯举行。 More than 3,600 exhibitors will unveil their latest consumer tech products and services. Over 40 companies will...

  • online virtual assets 网络虚拟财产

    11-11-30 After publishing the White Paper of Public Services of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Shenzhen has become the first city in Guangdong province to introduce concrete policies to protect residents' online virtual assets . 深圳市发布《深圳市公安局公...

  • Virtual maze 'maps' mouse memory 研究:虚拟迷宫“绘制”老鼠

    09-10-16 With the help of mice scampering through a virtual maze, scientists have taken recordings from inside individual brain cells, or neurons. 通过老鼠浏览虚拟迷宫的帮助,科学家得以记录下来单个脑细胞或者说神经元的内部活动。 You could alter an environment...

  • Tech gives humans animal senses 科技给人以动物的感觉

    09-08-10 A virtual reality exhibit is giving visitors the extreme ranges of sight and hearing that many animals have. 一套虚拟现实设备可以给人许多动物的极致的视野和听觉。 The view of a bird's nest is different in visible, infrared, and ultraviolet The so-cal...
