• 申请移民或留学的相关法律词汇5

    20-09-22 S signature n.签字,签名 social a. 社会的,有关社会的 social security 社会保障 social security number 社会保障号码 spouse n. 配偶 sponsor n. 1.发起人;资助人;2.保证人,负责人 statement n. 1.陈述,声明;2.供述 stepchildren n. 继子女 street n. 街道,马路 str...

  • 微风签证可在线申请签证

    19-01-16 The Global Joint Visa Application Center and Tencents WeChat announced their plan to release an app named Weifeng Visa that would allow travelers from China to complete visa applications online. 全球联合签证申请中心与腾讯微信宣布,计划发布一款名为微...

  • 中国卡塔尔互免签证协议本周五生效

    18-12-20 An agreement on mutual visa exemption between China and Qatar will take effect from Friday. 中国与卡塔尔签署的互免签证协议将于本周五开始生效。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Qatar....

  • 中国驻英大使馆颁发首张生物识别签证

    18-12-19 The Chinese Embassy in UK has issued its first biometrics visa to British-Cypriot economic Nobel Prize winner Christopher Pissarides, December 16, 2018. 2018年12月16日,中国驻英国大使馆向塞浦路斯裔英籍诺贝尔经济学奖得主克里斯托弗皮萨里德斯颁发首张生...