• 尼泊尔将免除中国游客签证费

    15-12-29 The Nepalese government has announced plans to waive the visa fees for Chinese tourists entering the country. 尼泊尔政府宣布计划取消中国游客入境的签证费。 Chinese tourists travelling to the country will save around 200 yuan as part of the new agreem...

  • 中国与埃塞俄比亚实行互免签证协议

    15-12-08 Diplomatic or service passport holders from China and Ethiopia no longer need visas, following the implementation of a new exemption agreement between the two countries. 中国与埃塞俄比亚将实行新的互免签证协议,两国的外交和公务护照持有者将不再需要签...

  • biometric data 生物识别数据

    15-09-24 Biometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months. 生物识别数据和申根签证申请表格中提交的信息将被记录于申根地区签证信息系统的中央...

  • 马来西亚将向中国游客实施6个月的免签证计划

    15-09-15 Malaysian Prime Minister Najib has announced that Malaysia will launch a new visa waiver program for Chinese tour groups from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. 马来西亚总理纳吉彼宣布,马来西亚将与2015年10月1日至2016年3月31日向中国旅游团实施一项新的...

  • 澳政府吸引美国富豪入籍

    15-07-17 Flush with the success of a millionaire visa program to attract wealthy Chinese, Australia is now promising citizenship to rich Americans who are willing to bring their cash and entrepreneurial talent Down Under. 澳大利亚的百万富翁签证项目成功吸引了...

  • 中国公民单边落地签已达36个国家或地区

    15-06-25 36 countries and regions have granted unilateral visa-on-arrival policies to Chinese citizens, said Lu Kang, the spokesperson of China's Foreign Ministry at a press conference on Wednesday. 中国外交部发言人陆慷周三在新闻发布会上表示,36个国家或地区...

  • multiple entry 多次入境

    15-04-22 China and the United States will grant each other's citizens a business or tourist visa with multiple entries and a maximum validity of 10 years, China's Foreign Ministry announced on Monday. 中国外交部周一宣布,中美双方将为前往对方国家从事商务或旅...

  • 24-hour visa service 24小时签证服务

    15-03-26 The British Home Office on Monday announced a variety of improvements to the visa system in China, including a 24-hour visa service , the expansion of mobile biometrics, and a new service enabling customers to apply for the British and Schengen visa...

  • visa rules 签证法规

    14-11-28 The European Union is proposing to simplify visa rules in an aim to stimulate the economy by wooing global tourists, especially from China, a top EU official has said. 欧盟一位高级官员表示,欧盟将提案简化签证法规,通过吸引世界各地、尤其是中国的游客...

  • 澳大利亚将向中国公民发放更多工作和假期签证

    14-11-19 China and Australia have completed negotiations on a work and holiday visa scheme following the recent completion of a free-trade agreement. 中国与澳大利亚近期继签署自由贸易协定之后,又完成了工作与假期签证方案的谈判。 Under the Work and Holiday Arra...