• Stung By Wasp

    22-03-09 A lady golfer is stung by a wasp. She goes to look for the greenkeeper and finds him. Ive been stung by a wasp, she says. Where did it get you? He replies, Between the 1st and 2nd hole. I think your stance must be a little too wide...

  • 一种黄蜂消失101年后被重新发现

    16-06-21 A species of wasp that is a natural enemy of a wood-boring beetle that kills black locust trees has been rediscovered, more than 100 years after the last wasp of this species was found. The discovery is significant because the wood-boring beetle, kn...

  • 躲避阳光黄蜂幼虫会跳到阴暗处

    15-12-25 Jumping is not about fun and games for insect larvae. They must do it to survive. This manoeuvre is all about finding a shady spot to develop in, according to researchers from Kyushu University in Japan, who led research into the jumping behavior of...

  • 黄蜂和蛇

    14-11-12 A wasp settled on the head of a snake, and not only stung him several times, but clung obstinately to the head of his victim. Maddened with pain the snake tried every means he could think of to get rid of the creature, but without success. At last h...

  • He is the thief

    16-03-26 Washington was the first president of the U.S. He was very clever even when he was still a 12-year-old-boy. Once a thief stole some money from Uncle Post, Washington's neighbor. The door of the house was not broken, and things in the room were in go...

  • 蛛蜂用蚂蚁尸体保护巢穴

    14-07-04 A new species of spider wasp, the 'Bone-house Wasp,' may use chemical cues from dead ants as a nest protection strategy, according to a recent study published July 2, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Michael Staab from University of Freib...

  • 两种漂亮的黄蜂被划入蛛蜂属

    13-11-26 Two new beautiful wasp species are added to the rare pompilid(蛛蜂) genus Abernessia, which now contains a total of only four known species. The two new species A. prima and A. capixaba are believed to be endemic(地方性的) for Brazil alongside t...

  • 寄生蜂的基因组序列将为害虫防治提供新方法

    10-01-17 Researchers from the University of Geneva and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics led an analysis of the sequenced genomes of parasitic寄生的 wasps黄蜂,马蜂 . Generally unknown to the public, the parasitic wasps kill pest insects. They are li...

  • 瓢虫充当马蜂幼虫的“免费保姆”

    09-11-18 Are ladybugs(瓢虫) being overtaken by wasps? A Universit de Montral entomologist(昆虫学者) is investigating a type of wasp(黄蜂,胡蜂) (Dinocampus coccinellae) present in Quebec that forces ladybugs (Coccinella maculata) to carry their larvae...
