• 如何表达万分确定

    22-08-16 1. (There are) no two ways about it 英文中这个短语表示没有第二种选择、不可能有两种意见,强调一件事毫无疑问,别无选择! 例:It was the wrong decision - there are no two ways about it. 毫无疑问,这个决定是不对的! 2. You can bet your life 都说生命诚可...

  • sincerely mend one's ways 痛改前非

    22-02-17 痛改前非,汉语成语,意思是彻底改正以前所犯的错误。可以翻译为sincerely mend ones ways或thoroughly rectify ones errors等。 例句: 痛改前非,重新做人 sincerely mend ones ways and turn over a new leaf 他来信表明愿意痛改前非。 His letter bespeaks his wil...

  • 与二有关的英文短语

    15-06-08 1.two heads are better than one 人多智广;三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 例句:After all, two heads are better than one. Two people working together can get better results. 毕竟三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,两个人一起工作能取得更好的成果。 2.put two and two togeth...
