• 澳大利亚 富豪移民首选地

    17-02-25 Australia is the top destination for millionaires on the move. 澳大利亚是百万富翁移居的首选目的地。 An estimated 11,000 millionaires moved to Australia in 2016, according to a new report by wealth research firm New World Wealth. That compares to 8,0...

  • inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer 亿万富豪财富

    16-12-17 China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,...

  • 全球变暖会对自然资源造成巨大的不可预测变化

    16-02-26 Many studies have shown that critical natural resources, including fish stocks, are moving poleward as the planet warms. A new Yale-led study suggests that these biophysical changes are also reallocating global wealth in unpredictable, and potential...

  • The Man Selling the Idol

    16-01-05 A man carves an idol and takes it to the fair. No one buys it, so he begins to shout in order to canvass the customer. He says that this idol can bring in wealth and good luck. One man says to the seller, Hello, My friend, if this is so, you should...

  • stealth shopper 隐形消费者

    15-12-08 Stealth shopper is a person who shops secretly to avoid flaunting wealth or to hide expenses from a spouse; a person who purchases expensive items that do not look expensive. 隐形消费者指用隐秘的方式购物,以避免炫富或者被伴侣发现的消费者;或者经常购...

  • 帮你致富和成功的一些书籍 下

    15-12-03 The Richest Man in Babylon Written by George S. Clason, this book unearths principles and secrets that will lead you to personal wealth. As one of the most inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning and personal wealth, The Ric...

  • 胡润财富榜:王健林目前是中国首富

    15-10-16 The latest Hurun wealth rankings now has Wanda chair Wang Jianlin listed as China's richest man. 胡润财富榜最新排名显示,万达集团董事长王健林目前是中国首富。 Wang Jianlin is now said to be worth around 34-billion US dollars. A lot of his new wealth...

  • counter-investigation 对抗组织审查

    15-08-21 Corrupt officials, from high-ranking executives to lowly bureaucrats, are getting more sophisticated in evading investigations, an anti-graft newspaper reported. 纪检报纸指出,不论是级别高还是级别低的贪官,在逃避组织调查时越来越花样百出。 《中国纪检...

  • 2014年全球百万富翁掌控世界41%私人财富

    15-06-28 Millionaires worldwide held 41% of the world's private wealth in 2014, up slightly from the year before, according to the Global Wealth 2015 report from Boston Consulting Group. And millionaires will hold 46% of total wealth by 2019, the report says...

  • 中国几乎每周都会诞生新的亿万富豪

    15-06-05 In China, the number of super-rich individuals is swelling fast. Indeed, during the first three months of the year, China produced new billionaires almost every week, according to a new report. 在中国,超级富豪正日益增多。一份新的报告显示,2015年头...