• be weaned from milk 断奶

    16-07-31 The worlds only surviving panda triplets, who were born on July 29, 2014 in Guangzhou, have been weaned from milk and got the ability for independent living. 2014年7月29日出生于广州的全球唯一存活的大熊猫三胞胎日前顺利断奶,具备独立生活的能力。 断奶...

  • 根据穴居人牙齿推断婴儿的断奶时间

    13-05-27 Most modern human mothers wean(断奶) their babies much earlier than our closest primate relatives. But what about our extinct relatives, the Neanderthals? A team of U.S. and Australian researchers reports in the journal Nature May 22 that they can...
