• a whale of a time 玩得很开心

    22-01-07 a whale of a time 如果玩得很开心,就可以说a whale of a time。 The theme park was so much fun. I had a whale of a time! 主题公园非常有趣。我玩得很开心! year in, year out 如果我们想说年复一年,就可以用year in, year out这个表达,即连续多年每年都会发生...

  • to have a whale of a time 玩的非常痛快

    21-08-09 在口语表达中,to have a whale of a time 的意思是玩的非常痛快,度过了一段很开心的时光。 例句 I spent the summer holidays in Mexico and had a whale of a time! Mary is a real party girl. She goes out every night and has a whale of a time! 请注意 我们可...

  • 鲸鲨:原子能试验解开世界上最大鱼类的年龄之谜

    20-11-21 冷战期间进行的原子弹试验数据帮助科学家们准确地测定了世界上最大鱼类的年龄。鲸鲨是体型庞大、行动速度缓慢、性情温和的生物,主要栖息在热带水域中。 Stretching up to 60 feet in length and weighing around 20 tonnes, the slow-moving whale shark is very popu...

  • 南乔治亚岛蓝鲸数量有所增长

    20-11-21 科学家们称,他们在亚南极地区的英属南乔治亚岛的沿海水域看到了数量惊人的蓝鲸。他们在历时23天的调查中统计了55头蓝鲸,这是自商业捕鲸活动结束后,几十年来前所未有的。 Whale experts have described the number of sightings as astonishing and say its a positi...

  • 英语科普:鲸鱼不是鱼

    20-03-12 鲸鱼不是鱼,而是整个一生都生活在水里的哺乳动物。 Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea. Whales breathe air and are not fish. They are mammals that spend their entire lives in the water. Whales are of two types: too...

  • 抵制捕鲸 美人鱼雕像被涂红漆

    17-06-02 A Little Mermaid statue has been coated in red paint by animal rights activists protesting brutal whale hunts in Denmark. 为抵制丹麦残忍的捕鲸活动,动物权利保护人士将小美人鱼雕像涂满了红漆。 The 94-year-old monument, a tribute to Danish storyteller...

  • 范冰冰亲吻白鲸照片迅速蹿红

    16-07-19 Photos of Chinese renowned actress Fan Bingbing kissing a beluga whale on a reality TV show have gone viral with almost one million likes so far. 中国著名女演员范冰冰在一场电视真人秀节目中亲吻一头白鲸的照片迅速蹿红,目前已经获得大约100万个赞。 Fan B...

  • The Whale Sound <2>

    16-06-10 The boy jerked about and then made a sound that I will never forget for as long as I live. It was the sound like a whale makes when it has been harpooned and knows that it is about to die. I fired all four of my arrows at the two bullies as they ran...

  • Don't Argue with Children 不要和小孩争论

    15-03-19 A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that a whale swallow...

  • 海洋温度影响鲸鲨活动范围

    14-07-19 At the fringe of the whale shark range, the volcanic Azore islands may play an increasing role for the north Atlantic population as sea surface temperatures rise, according to a study published July 16, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Pe...