• waiting in the wings 翘首以待

    22-06-10 1. waiting in the wings Wings原本是指剧院里演员等候上台的地方,字面意思是等待上台表演,如今引申为做好准备等待机遇的到来,翘首以待(to be ready to be used or employed) 例句: They say Bob will be fired and Im waiting in the wings to take over. 据说...

  • cue 提示、暗示

    21-04-29 Cue这个词很有意思。 英文课本里几乎不怎么提,但是日常说话却常常夹在中文里说。 最怕老师上课cue我,诶,你别cue我,我啥也不知道等等。 Cue的动词意思是给(某人)提示或暗示,做名词解,就有戏剧舞台上的提示、暗示的意思。 韦氏词典往前追溯,说cue可能来自于剧本...

  • be completely surrounded and impossible to escape 插翅难飞

    21-04-06 插翅难飞,汉语成语,意思是插上翅膀也难飞走(cannot escape even with wings)。比喻陷入困境,怎么也逃不了。可以翻译为be completely surrounded and impossible to escape。 例句: 监狱戒备森严,犯人插翅难飞。 The prison is so heavily-guarded that prisoner...

  • 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解

    21-02-08 研究人员一直无法理解小巧的蝴蝶是如何用它们巨大但低效的翅膀飞行的。现在,一项新的研究表明,蝴蝶进化出了一种有效的合拢和拍打翅膀的方式来产生推力。 The fluttering flight patterns of butterflies have long inspired poets, but baffled scientists. The deli...

  • The mouse 老鼠

    15-08-12 A philosophical mouse spoke loudly in praise of nature's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection. For, she said, one half of us is provided by her with wings, so that if all here below were killed by c...

  • 蝙蝠翅膀有超灵敏的传感细胞

    15-05-04 Bats fly with breathtaking precision because their wings are equipped with highly sensitive touch sensors, cells that respond to even slight changes in airflow, researchers have demonstrated for the first time. Scientists from Johns Hopkins Universi...

  • 昆虫翅膀可能拥有陀螺仪的功能

    15-03-20 Gyroscopes measure rotation in everyday technologies, from unmanned aerial vehicles to cell phone screen stabilizers. Though many animals can move with more precision and accuracy than our best-engineered aircraft and technologies, gyroscopes are ra...

  • The Fox and the Grasshopper 狐狸和蚂蚱

    14-12-11 A grasshopper sat chirping in the branches of a tree. A fox hear her, and, thinking what a dainty morsel she would make, he tried to get her down by a trick. Standing below in full view of her, he praised her song in the most flattering terms, and b...

  • 果蝇翅膀颜色可吸引异性

    14-10-23 Bright colors appear on a fruit fly's transparent wings against a dark background as a result of light refraction. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have now demonstrated that females choose a mate based on the males' hidden wing colors. Ou...

  • 翅膀是帝王蝶成功迁徙的重要因素

    14-06-06 Each fall, millions of monarch butterflies make a spectacular journey from the eastern parts of North America to reach their overwintering grounds in Mexico. Researchers have long known that not all butterflies successfully reach their destination....