• 接地气儿的习语 1

    22-07-05 Back to the grind 回去工作 例句: Ok everyone break time is over, get back to the grind. 好了,休息时间结束,大家回去工作吧。 You wish 想得美 例句: You think shell go on a date with you? You wish! 你以为她会跟你约会?想得美! Do tell 快告诉我 例句...

  • 分别

    22-06-14 1. Ill miss you. 我会想你的。 2. I wish I could go with you. 我真希望能跟你一道走/要是我能跟你一起去就好了。 3. Call me sometime/Give me a call sometime. 有空打电话。 4. Lets get together again sometime. 我们什么时候再聚吧。 5. Lets keep in touch....

  • be increasingly flourishing 蒸蒸日上

    21-06-30 蒸蒸日上,汉语成语,意为一天天地向上发展,蒸蒸表示上升和兴盛的样子(be thriving)。蒸蒸日上形容发展速度快。可以翻译为become more prosperous every day,be increasingly flourishing。 例句: 新年之际,祝大家的生活蒸蒸日上,越过越红火。 I would like to...

  • Sunday driver 不常开车的生手

    21-05-11 Sunday driver可不能仅仅从字面上翻译为星期天的司机。其实这个表达正确的含义是指不常开车的生手。 例句: I wish I could get around this guy in front of me , he is going too slow and must be a Sunday driver. 我真希望我能超过前面那辆车,那人开得太慢了,肯...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 37

    21-03-18 A very little quiet reflection was enough to satisfy Emma as to the nature of her agitation on hearing this news of Frank Churchill. She was soon convinced that it was not for herself she was feeling at all apprehensive or embarrassed; it was for hi...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 35

    21-03-18 When the ladies returned to the drawing-room after dinner, Emma found it hardly possible to prevent their making two distinct parties;-- with so much perseverance in judging and behaving ill did Mrs. Elton engross Jane Fairfax and slight herself. Sh...

  • 最鼓舞人心的名言

    21-02-07 The fool didnt know it was impossible, so he did it. 傻瓜不知道这事儿是不可能的,所以他做到了。 Roads in the mountains teach you a very important lesson in life - what seems like an END is very often just a BEND. 山间公路教会你人生中非常重要的一课看...

  • more than one could wish for 求之不得

    21-01-29 求之不得,汉语词语,意思是想找都找不到。原指急切企求,但不能得到,后多形容迫切希望得到。可以翻译为more than one could wish for或be exceedingly welcome。 例句: 您能加入我们,真是求之不得。 You are more than welcome to join us. 这真是求之不得的好机会...

  • 用动词wish表愿望

    20-12-06 1. I wish trains _______ on time. a) would come b) were coming c) could come d) would have come 2. I wish I _______ that shirt. It shrank in the wash. a) wouldnt buy b) wouldnt have bought c) hadnt have bought d) hadnt bought 3. I wish I _______ a l...

  • have sth. as one wishes 称心如意

    20-11-14 称心如意,汉语成语,意思是形容心满意足,事情的发展完全符合心意。可以翻译为have sth. as one wishes, after ones (own) heart或be just in accordance with ones wish。 例句: 她幸运地找到了一个称心如意的工作。 She was lucky enough to find a job after her...