• 有潜力

    22-07-26 1. Diamonds in the rough 未经雕琢的钻石只差好好打磨就能bling bling啦!归根到底,说明人家还是块材料啊! 例:She may seem shy and ordinary right now, but give her a couple more years - she truly is a diamond in the rough. 虽然她现在看着害羞,人也一般...

  • 不知所措

    22-06-09 1. She has huffed poor Mr Williams all to pieces. 她把可怜的威廉姆斯先生吓得不知所措。 2. A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion. 一枚手榴弹意外地发生了爆炸,接着是一片混乱,使我不知所措。 3. For a long time, I w...

  • Keep your wits about you! 保持头脑清醒,随机应变

    21-06-15 这个表达多用于提醒他人出门在外应注意周围环境,提高警觉的语境中。它的意思是保持头脑冷静,做好准备,随时应变。 例句 Keep your wits about you when driving on this stretch of road its narrow and winding. 在这条狭窄、曲折的路上开车要多加留意。 You have t...
