• 羊毛战记 Part 5 The Stranded 82

    24-04-19 82 Weeks later Silo 18 The three of them sat around the conference table, Juliette adjusting the gauze bandage on her hand tocover the raised lace of scar tissue peeking out. The overalls theyd given her were loose to minimizethe pain, but the under...

  • 羊毛战记 Part 5 The Stranded 81

    24-04-19 81 Silo 18 Awareness, like sporadic jolts of pain from her burns, came and went. Juliette remembered a billowing fog, boots stomping all around her, lying on her side in the ovenof an airlock. She watched the way the world warped out of shape as her...

  • 羊毛战记 Part 5 The Stranded 80

    24-04-19 80 Juliette made her way through the airlock doors and up the ramp, ignoring the dead around her, justfocusing on each step, and the hardest part was over. The rest was open space and the scatteredremains she wished she could pretend were boulders....

  • 羊毛战记 Part 5 The Stranded 79

    24-04-19 79 Silo 17 Juliette woke up on a floor, someone shaking her. A man with a beard. It was Solo, and she waspassed out in his room, by his desk. We made it, he said, flashing his yellow teeth. He looked better than she remembered himlooking. More alive...