• workplace U-turn 职场回头草

    15-10-29 Workplace U-turn refers to the action of bouncing back to a former employer after quitting. 职场回头草指辞职后又回到原单位的行为。 While it may seem inconceivable, it is possible to make the dreaded employment U-turn. 职场上吃回头草是人们避之唯恐不...

  • third workplace 第三工作场所

    14-11-20 Third workplace is a place a person works other than their office or home office. 第三工作场所指一个人除了办公室和家以外的另外一个工作场所。 The third workplace, commonly called co-working space, combines the amenities and technology of a traditiona...

  • 工作时的消极情绪能带来积极效果

    14-09-12 Surprising new research suggests it can actually be good to feel bad at work, and that feeling good in the workplace can lead to negative outcomes. 新研究的惊人发现表明,实际上工作时的消极情绪能带来积极效果,而积极的情绪却可能导致消极结果。 The stud...