• wrap 杀青

    21-06-06 杀青本是古代制作竹简的程序之一。古时把书写在竹简上,为防虫蛀须先用火烤干水分,叫杀青(dry green bamboo strips on the fire before writing on them),后泛指写定著作(completion of a book manuscript)。 在现代汉语中,杀青一般指影视作品完成了前期的拍摄...

  • runny nose 流鼻涕

    21-05-30 1. phobia phobia尤指道理上无法解释的恐惧,惧怕,比如: Ive got a phobia about/of worms. 我很怕蠕虫。 还有一些是 acrophobia 恐高症 aerophobia 飞行恐惧症 agoraphobia 群众与空旷地区恐惧症 aquaphobia 恐水症 arachnophobia 蜘蛛恐惧症 astraphobia 闪电恐惧...

  • 工作全都做完了!

    20-10-15 1. Its all done! 全都做完了! 搭配all done表示事情的方方面面、所有细节都已经完成。在日常口语交流中,可以省略这句话的主语和谓语its,直接说:All done.(都做完了。) 2. Its a wrap. 收工了! 这原本是在影视剧拍摄片场里常能听到的一句话,用来告知演职人员这...

  • gift与present两者之间有什么区别

    17-12-18 The words gift and present are well-matched synonyms that mean essentially the same thing, but even well-matched synonyms have their own connotations and distinctive patterns of use. 在如今,gift和present是近义词,本质上表达的都是同一个东西,但是即...

  • wrap rage 包装怒,开箱怒

    14-12-23 Wrap rage , also called package rage , is the common name for heightened levels of anger and frustration resulting from the inability to open hard-to-open packaging. Consumers suffer thousands of injuries per year, such as cut fingers and sprained w...
