• live-writing 现场写作

    22-09-28 说唱歌手Kanye West最近一直在推特上实时直播自己写一本哲学书。 Oh by the way this is my book that Im writing in real time. No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write. This is not a financial opportunity this is...

  • 东京一家“写作咖啡馆”火了

    22-05-16 最近,日本东京一家写作咖啡馆火了。这家咖啡馆只允许有迫在眉睫写作任务的文字工作者进入。而且,一旦到店,不完成任务的话,工作人员是不会放你走的。 The Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows in people who have a writing deadline to face! owner Takuya Kawai...

  • the writing's on the wall 不祥预兆

    21-12-28 在英语里,the writings on the wall 这个短语可以用来形容比喻不好的事情即将发生。比如有人要被裁员了,公司要倒闭了等倒霉的事情。 例句 Susie saw the writing on the wall and decided to quit before her company was taken over by the administrators. I shoul...

  • 放慢打字速度能帮助提高写作质量

    16-01-31 Let's face it, not everybody's equally gifted when it comes to getting their thoughts down on paper (or the digital equivalent). But according to a new study, there's an easy trick anybody can do to improve the quality of their writing: just type mo...

  • First Writing Ceremony 开笔礼

    12-05-22 The First Writing Ceremony , also called Qi Meng (Enlightenment) Ceremony, was a very important ceremony for every student before they were admitted to school. 开笔礼,也叫启蒙礼,是学生入学读书之前举行的一个非常重要的仪式,(俗称人生第一大礼)。...

  • 入木三分

    12-05-08 Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers(书法家) during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped. Later he absorbed the strong points of all the other schools of calligra...

  • 六级模拟试卷 ---- 写作8

    11-03-14 Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:? I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.? The idea had come...

  • 写作练习可提高女性的物理成就

    10-11-26 According to a new study, a brief writing exercise can help women in college physics classes improve their academic performance and reduce some of the well-documented differences between male and female science students. The writing exercise seems p...
