• 亚洲最大游艇Illusion Plus在烟台港启航

    18-08-14 Asias largest mega yacht, Illusion Plus, has been unveiled at the Port of Yantai, Shandong Province. Its heading for Monaco via Shenzhen, reports iqilu.com. 亚洲最大的巨型游艇Illusion Plus在山东烟台港启航,经深圳前往摩纳哥。 Illusion Plus is 88.5 me...

  • 专为女性打造的巨型豪华游艇

    15-02-08 You may have thought all superyachts were created equal. But according to one designer, there is a gap in the market for vessels targeted at the fairer sex. 也许你会觉得超级游艇的建造不分性别,但据一位设计师表示,市场上针对女性市场设计的船只数量有限...

  • 伊朗海军拘捕五名英国人

    09-12-01 Five Britons have been detained by the Iranian navy while sailing a racing yacht from Bahrain to Dubai, the Foreign Office (FCO) has said. 英国外交部称,五名英国人驾驶赛艇从巴林岛开往迪拜的图中被伊朗海军拘留。 They were on a Volvo 60 yacht belonging...
