• aerial yoga 空中瑜伽

    22-04-07 A new fitness exercise called aerial yoga or antigravity yoga in which practitioners hang from a hammock suspended from the ceiling is becoming popular in Japan. 近日,一种名为空中瑜伽或者反重力瑜伽的新型健身运动在日本悄然流行,练习者借助挂在房顶上...

  • 英国希思罗机场快线推出“火车上的瑜伽课”

    21-10-18 为了帮助乘客放松,英国希思罗机场快线推出了火车上的瑜伽课。据悉,这是首次在行驶的火车上开瑜伽课,车厢里充满了舒缓身心的香气,虽然课程时间不长,却大受好评。 A TRAIN operator from Britain has made travelling more tranquil by hosting live yoga classes d...

  • 与冥想和瑜伽有关的名人名言

    20-03-12 We tend to think of meditation in only one way. But life itself is a meditation. Raul Julia A good meditation, even when it is interrupted by occasional nodding, is much more beneficial than many outward religious exercises. Johannes Tauler My sole...

  • 加拿大总理的孔雀式瑜伽照被疯传

    16-04-06 Canadas prime minister has perfected the peacock pose. 加拿大总理的孔雀式瑜伽堪称完美。 A photo from 2013 showing Justin Trudeau pulling off the yoga move reappeared recently and has gone viral. Toronto yoga instructor David Gellineau shared the pho...