blooper 幕后“花絮”
文章来源:未知 文章作者:meng 发布时间:2010-05-07 00:35 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
不知你有没有注意到,现在很多电影在结尾字幕的时候都会播一些像演员说错台词、表演失误等之类的拍摄花絮,有些片断还真是让人捧腹呢。咱们今天就来说说“花絮”这个词的英文说法blooper。 A blooper is a short sequence of a film or video production, usually a deleted scene, containing a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. These bloopers, or outtakes as they are also called, are often the subject of television shows or are occasionally revealed during the credit sequence at the end of comedy movies. Blooper(花絮)指电影或视频作品中被删减的片断,通常都包括演员们表演失误的镜头。这些花絮(也叫outtake)经常会成为电视节目的素材,有时也会在喜剧电影结尾出字幕时播放。 Jackie Chan and Burt Reynolds are both famous for including such reels with the closing credits of their movies. Humorous mistakes made by athletes are often referred to as bloopers as well. 成龙和伯特·雷诺兹都喜欢在他们电影的结尾字幕时播放拍摄花絮。运动员们比赛时令人捧腹的失误也叫做blooper。

TAG标签: blooper 花絮 Jackie Chan