文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2022-09-09 09:00 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
① 睡前少看电子产品
Reduce blue light exposure in the evening
The blue light that your phone, laptop, and TV affect your circadian rhythm, tricking your brain into thinking it's still daytime. This reduces hormones1 like melatonin, which help you relax and get deep sleep. It's recommended that you stop using electronics at least an hour before bed.
② 调整卧室温度
Set your bedroom temperature
Body and bedroom temperature can also profoundly affect sleep quality. Studies reveal that increased body and bedroom temperature can decrease sleep quality and increase wakefulness. Around 70°F (20°C) seems to be a comfortable temperature for most people, although it depends on your preferences and habits.
③ 养成良好睡前习惯
Create a bedtime routine
Having a bedtime routine means that you consistently perform activities that wind you down for sleep. Repeating your routine each night will help signal to your body that it's almost time to rest. Some examples of activities in bedtime routines include taking a warm shower, doing some light stretching and reading a few pages of a book.
④ 定期运动
Exercise regularly
Exercise is one of the best science-backed ways to improve your sleep and health, it can enhance all aspects of sleep and has been used to reduce symptoms of insomnia2. Although daily exercise is key for a good night's sleep, performing it too late in the day may cause sleep problems.


1 hormones hormones     
n. 荷尔蒙,激素 名词hormone的复数形式
  • This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body. 这种荷尔蒙与体內其他荷尔蒙紧密地相互作用。
  • The adrenals produce a large per cent of a man's sex hormones. 肾上腺分泌人体的大部分性激素。
2 insomnia EbFzK     
  • Worries and tenseness can lead to insomnia.忧虑和紧张会导致失眠。
  • He is suffering from insomnia.他患失眠症。
TAG标签: light exercise bedroom