government reform 政府改革
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2014-03-11 06:59 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
政府改革(government reform)的主要目的,就是进一步理顺政府和市场、政府和社会、中央和地方的关系(to clearly define the relations between government and the market, between government and society and between central and local governments),更好地发挥市场、社会的作用,更好地调动中央和地方两个积极性,推动政府全面正确地履行职能(make sure that the government fully1 plays its part),加快现代政府建设(to accelerate the development of modern government),努力促进经济持续健康发展、社会不断进步,不断满足人民群众的新期待、新要求。
在提到地方政府职能转变(the transformation2 of local government functions)时,李克强讲到以下几点:
1. 要接好放好中央下放的审批事项(Local governments should properly take over or further release as required approval power delegated by the central government);
2. 要最大限度地取消地方行政审批事项(We should minimize the number of items subject to administrative3 review and approval by local governments);
3. 要加强地方政府管理服务职能(Local governments need to enhance their functions in both regulation and services);
4. 改革创新监管方式,建立一套科学监管的规则和方法(We also need to reform and innovate4 ways of supervision5 and establish a set of scientific rules and methods of supervision);
5. 搞好保障民生的基本公共服务(To ensure basic public services essential to people's livelihood6);
6. 要更加重视基层政府建设(We need to place greater importance on the building of community-level governments)。

TAG标签: government reform local