Section4, 最难的一片, 但如果用技巧看的,还算简单, 讲翼龙
Task1:图表,讲的是 UK,在不同年龄段是用 internet 的不同原因所站的的比例,横坐标是年龄段,共五个,依次是 16-24,25-35,35-45,45-55,55 或更老,纵坐标依次是 email,information for goods and sercices,education,banking,chat room,other reasons。使用 emial 的各 个年龄段的人都很多大约依次是 38,36,()()40,下面是使用 information 的比上一个少了一 点,紧接着越往下越少,到倒数第二个,大于 45 岁的两个群体跟本不聊天。最后是其他原因,比 倒数第二个和倒数第 3 个多一点。和剑 4 以及剑二的表格差不多,挺复杂的,我写了差不多 230 个字。
Task2::more and more measures to improve secruity in urban areas about 判断 crime,问 是否他的 benefits overwight drawback1。
G 类写作:
Task1:邀请一名加拿大朋友来参加一个 party;说明为什么举行 party,为什么让她来,来了怎么走?
Part1:Full name? Study or work? If answer is student,where are you study?喜欢学校哪个地方?觉得周末哪天重要?为什么?如果周末加班要加工资吗,为什么?
Part2:if you received a lot of money, 1.who would you share with?2. what would you buy? 3.what else would you do?
Part3:钱对你来说重要吗?中国职业之间有什么不同?那个职业工资高些,为什么?你觉得中国 孩子是怎么花钱的?你觉得是给他们多了还是少了,为什么?
Part1:在哪里学校, 你的学校有什么好的地方, 什么样子的你为什么喜欢花,花在中国有没有
特殊意义, 搜集什么东西,人们怎么样收集东西,为什么要收集东西
Part2:a job you want to have in the future,what does this job involve,what does this job require from you
Part3:Do you think which is more important?family or work and why do you think it is good to change your job all the time, what people are looking at when they judge aperson in terms of work?what do people consider when they decide the age of retirement2?In light of social and environmental change, do you think people’s behavior will change, such as attitude towards work?