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1.饮水思源,我们应该好好地去报效国家。 1) We should never forget what the country has done for us, thus trying our best to serve its best interest. 2) Considering all that ourcountry has done for us, we should in turn serve her heart and soul. 2.我建议你只管走自己的路,让别人说去吧! I’d suggest that you do as you want to and never mind what others would say. 3.首先,读书要思考,不能囫囵吞枣。 Firstly, we need to set our mind thinking while reading and should not just read without understanding what we are reading. 4.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 However hard it may be, I’ll never stop pursuing1 my goal till I attain2 it. 5.知我者谓我无忧,不知我者谓我何求。 Those who know my mind would say I’m free of worries while those who don’t know my mind would wonder what I’m seeking. 6.俗话说:吃一堑,长一智。 As the saying goes: one learns from his past mistakes. 7.雅思考高分,准备要充分。没听说嘛,工夫不负有心人。 To score high on IELTS, one needs to make full preparations. As it is often said: if you keep trying, you’ll finally succeed. 8.才能学好英语?先买本好词典,这就叫作“公欲善其事,必先利其器”。 How can we learn English well? I would say that you need to have a good dictionary in the first place. As the a Chinese saying goes: If you hope to do a good job, you need to be fully3 prepared for it. 9.我们的先辈们抛头颅,洒热血,就是为了我们今天的幸福生活。 Our forefathers4 sacrificed their precious lives in exchange for the happy life we are enjoying today. 10.许多人的工作理念是:不求有功,但求无过。 Many people’s philosophy with work is: no merits5, no demerits. 11.人非圣贤,孰能无过? It’s just human to make mistakes. 12.许多人始终遵循“你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈”的处世原则。 Many people live by the principle: nice to me and I’ll be nicer to you. 点击 ![]()
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