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1、考试的时候不要想你能得多少分,不要想后面试题的内容,集中全部的精力在你面前的每一道试题上。记住一次只注意一道题。 2、现在花几分钟去回想一下你准备考试的过程,想一想你比以前提高了多少,这会使你建立起自信心。你的态度和表现对你考试当天的成绩起着决定性的作用。 3、在做逻辑推理和阅读理解部分时,要先把五个备选答案看一遍。尤其是逻辑题,经过筛选后要选择从客观语法上看起来正确的答案。 4、考试第三部分和第四部分的间歇通常会引起人们的紧张,其实你不必太在意,别人并不比你准备的充分或有更多的考试经验。忽略这一切,带上随身听,听一听能让你兴奋和放松的音乐。 5、不要在考试的时候去算哪部分不能得分,这对你没有任何帮助,只会让你出错。考试的时候就要把精力放在每一道题上,这样你才能成功。 6、做题前你应该把试卷全部浏览一遍,然后决定从哪一部分开始做。 7、不要在任何一部分上纠缠,也许每一部分的最后是最容易的,先去做它们。如果你在做某个部分的开始时遇到了难题,不用惊慌,尤其是在逻辑推理的部分。如果遇到这种情况,就先做简单的,把难题放在最后做。 8、在休息时最大限度的放松自己,吃一些高能量带糖的食品,比如苹果、香蕉、坚果等。 9、你不需要答对所有的题才得到很高的分数,即使错20道题你也可得到163分,那么就有90%的人得分在你以下。有五分之一的题没来得及也没关系,反正大家都一样,放松点,遇见难题也不要惊慌失措,蒙就成了。 10、在考试前充分地做实战练习,打破考试时的神秘感。你应该从错误中学会重要的不是你做了多少练习而是你从练习中得到了多少。 (英文版) 10、Take full-length practice tests the week before the test to break down the mystique of the real experience. Learn from your mistakes. It's not how much you practice, it's how much you get out of the practice. 9、You don't have to get every question right to get a great score. 20 questions wrong is roughly a 163, which corresponds to the 90th percentile. Not bad for missing a fifth of the questions. So relax. There's no need to panic when faced with difficult material. 8、Dress in layers for maximum comfort, and bring some high-energy natural-sugar food (apples, bananas, nuts) for the break. 7、Don't get bogged1 down in the middle of any section. Don't be alarmed if you run across some extra-tough questions at the beginning of the section, especially in Logical Reasoning. It happens. Skip past tough ones and come back to them later. Circle them in the test booklet so you can locate them quickly. 6、Preview the Games and Reading sections before you jump in. The third or fourth game or reading passage could be the easiest one. Take a brief look at all four before you decide where to begin. 5、Don't bother trying to figure out which section is unscored. It can't help you and you might be wrong. Instead, just determine to do your best on every section. That way, you're covered. 4、Pay no attention to people's nervous chatter3 during the break between sections three and four. Everyone else is less prepared and "test-wise" than you are. To block them out, bring a portable CD or tape player, a pair of headphones, and tunes4 that'll both pump you up and relax you. 3、Give all five choices a fair shot in Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. For Logic2 Games, go with the objectively correct answer as soon as you find it and blow off the rest. 2、Take a few minutes now to look back over your preparation experience, and give yourself credit for how far you've come. Allow your confidence to build on itself. Your attitude and outlook are crucial to your test day performance. 1、During the exam, don't worry about how you're scoring. Focus on the question in front of you and not on what happened last section or what might happen in a later section. Concentrate on each question, each passage, each game. Relax, and take it one question at a time 点击 ![]()
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