was1 a cold spring morning in London. People walking in the street were wearing heavy clothes. The weather
had2 been very bad for the past week, and now many people were ill. Today there were quite a
few3 people in the doctor's waiting room. There were still a few minutes before the doctor started seeing the
patients4 (患者).A woman of about sixty years old was at the front of the
queue5 (排队). She
did6 not live in this city. She
came7 from a farm north of London. She was here to visit her daughter who was a
secretary8 in a big
company9. She wanted to see the doctor because of her back
problem10. Soon an
Indian11 (印地安人) came into the waiting room, and walked
straight12 to the doctor's door. When she
saw13 this, the old woman
stood14 up and
took15 hold of his arm. She
slowly17, "We were all here before you. You must wait for your turn. Do ... you ... understand?" The Indian answered, "No, madam. YOU don't understand! You're all after me! I am the doctor!"
1. The change of weather made18 a lot of people sick.[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.
2. The old woman's home was in London.[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say
3. The old woman's daughter was at the doctor's, too.[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.
4. The old woman thought19 the man was the doctor.[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.
5. All the other people in the room knew the Indian was the doctor.[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.
【名师精解】本题的正确答案是:[A],[B],[C],[B],[C].第一小题从The weather had been very bad for the past week, and now many people were ill.中可以知道人们得病得原因是坏天气,所以是对的;第二小题从She came from a farm north of London.可知The old woman's home was not in London but in a farm north of London.所以此说法是错的;第三小题从原文中找不到与之对应的表述,所以是没有提及。此题需要注意不能因为A woman of about sixty years old was at the front of the queue.这句话就判断此表述错误,因为此句中并不能排除the old woman's daughter在诊所的可能;第四小题从When she saw this, the old woman stood up and took hold of his arm. She said, slowly, "We were all here before you. You must wait for your turn. Do ... you ... understand?"中可以明显看出The old woman didn’t think the man was the doctor.所以此说法是错误的;第五小题在原文中也没有与之对应的表述,文中只叙述了the old woman的表现,并没有叙述其他人的表现,所以此针对all the people 的表述是没有提及的