Opening ceremony could be rain-free
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2009-06-12 01:04 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

The chance of rain during the opening ceremony is slimmer than reported earlier, but thunderstorms, high temperatures and muggy1 skies still pose a threat to the Beijing Olympics.

An analysis of weather data from 1975 to 2007 from the Haidian district observatory2, the closest to the "Bird's Nest" where the opening ceremony will be held, shows the chance of rain spoiling the show is 41 percent, said Qiao Lin, chief forecaster of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), yesterday.

An earlier analysis, based on data from the entire city, suggested there was a 47-50 percent chance of rain on August 8.

Qiao held out further hope for a perfect opening day for the Games, saying that even if it rains, it will be light.

But inclement3 weather could still play spoilsport during the 17-day Games, said Chen Zhenlin, deputy director of CMA's forecasting service and disaster mitigation department.

"Thunderstorms, heavy rain, high temperatures, muggy skies and even hailstorms could be a problem," said Chen, who is also director of the Olympic Weather Service Center.

Beijing has made every possible effort to prevent bad weather from interrupting the Games. It even rescheduled it from July 25-August 10 to August 8-24 to avoid the rainy season.

But global warming has made extreme weather a more frequent and intensive affair, said CMA spokesman Yu Xinwen. This year has been especially bad for China, starting from the snowstorms in February to the recent heavy rain and floods and Beijing is experiencing its wettest June in 15 years, Yu said.

Meteorological offices will intensify4 their efforts, especially during the Games, to forecast accurate weather on an hourly basis. And all forecasts will be in Chinese and English.

Weather experts from former Olympic host countries, such as the US, Canada, Japan and Australia, will be in China in August to share their expertise5 and technology, Chen said.

Weather forecasting satellite Fengyun-3A (FY-3A), launched recently, is expected to begin functioning before the Games, and, together with FY-1D, FY-2C and FY-2D satellites, offer more precise weather data, Yu said.

Modifying the weather artificially during the Games is a possibility, he said. Planes and rockets could spread silver iodine6 and dry ice high into the atmosphere to target cumulonimbus clouds and induce rain before the clouds veer7 toward the Olympic venues8.

But the technology can only prevent light rainfall, he said. It is powerless against thick, widely spread, huge mass of clouds.



1. What does Qiao Lin, chief forecaster of the China Meteorological Administration say is the chance of rain on August 8?

2. Name two weather situations that could pose a threat to the Olympics.

3. How can scientists modify the weather artificially?


1. 41 percent.

2. Thunderstorms, heavy rain, high temperatures, muggy skies and hailstorms.

3. They can send planes and rockets into the sky, spreading silver iodine and dry ice on cumulonimbus clouds to induce rain.


1 muggy wFDxl     
  • We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.雨季开始时,我们预料有闷热的天气。
  • It was muggy and overcast.天气闷热潮湿,而且天色阴沉。
2 observatory hRgzP     
  • Guy's house was close to the observatory.盖伊的房子离天文台很近。
  • Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.格林威治天文台的职员们每天对大钟检查两次。
3 inclement 59PxV     
  • The inclement weather brought forth a host of diseases.恶劣的天气引起了种种疾病。
  • They kept on going,even through the inclement weather.即使天气恶劣,他们还是执意要去。
4 intensify S5Pxe     
  • We must intensify our educational work among our own troops.我们必须加强自己部队的教育工作。
  • They were ordered to intensify their patrols to protect our air space.他们奉命加强巡逻,保卫我国的领空。
5 expertise fmTx0     
  • We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。
  • You really have the technical expertise in a new breakthrough.让你真正在专业技术上有一个全新的突破。
6 iodine Da6zr     
  • The doctor painted iodine on the cut.医生在伤口上涂点碘酒。
  • Iodine tends to localize in the thyroid.碘容易集于甲状腺。
7 veer 5pQyC     
  • He is unlikely to veer from his boss's strongly held views.他不可能背离他老板的强硬立场。
  • If you fall asleep while driving,you'll probably veer off the road.假如你开车时打瞌睡,可能会驶离道路。
8 venues c277c9611f0a0f19beb3658245ac305f     
n.聚集地点( venue的名词复数 );会场;(尤指)体育比赛场所;犯罪地点
  • The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour. 这个乐队在英国巡回演出期间将在20个不同的地点演出。
  • Farmers market corner, 800 meters long, 60 meters wide livestock trading venues. 农牧市场东北角,有长800米,宽60米的牲畜交易场地。 来自互联网