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一、合同名称(Title) 1. 订约日期和地点 Date and place of signing 2. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所 Signing parties and their nationalities, principal place of business or residence addresses 3. 当事人合法依据 Each party's authority,比如,该公司是"按当地法律正式组织而存在的"(a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of XXX) 4. 订约缘由/说明条款 三、本文(Body) 1. 定义条款(Definition clause) 2. 基本条款(Basic conditions) 3. 一般条款(General terms and conditions) a. 合同有效期(Duration) b. 合同的终止(Termination) c. 不可抗力(Force Majeure) d. 合同的让与(Assignment) e. 仲裁(Arbitration3) f. 适用的法律(Governing law) g. 诉讼管辖(Jurisdiction4) h. 通知手续(Notice) j. 其它(Others) 四、结尾条款(WITNESS clause) 1. 结尾语,包括份数、使用的文字和效力等(Concluding sentence) 2. 签名(Signature) 3. 盖印(Seal) 以上的格式和内容并非一成不变,当事人可以根据各自交易情况做出调整或增删。 用词方面 一、多用正式或法律上的用词,比如: · At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。 assist 较 help 正式; · The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq. 所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较 take part in 正式; · The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。 render 较 give 正式; · Party A shall repatriate6 the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。 repatriate 较 send back 正式; · This Contract shall be governed by and construed8 in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe7 较 explain, interpret 正式; · The Employer may object to and require the Contractor9 to replace forthwith any of its authorized10 representatives who is incompetent11. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较 at once 正式; · The Chairperson may convene12 an interim13 meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene, interim 都是正式用词。 · In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed14, the other party shall have the preemptive right. 如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign 较 transfer 正式. · In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products. 加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。 法律用词title 较 ownership 正式. · The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto. "生效期"指双方合同签字的日子。 法律用词execute 较 sign 正式. 与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。 二、多使用"here","there","where"等前缀: hereafter = after this time; 今后 hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此 herein = in this; 此中,于此 hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文 thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来 thereby15 = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方面 therein = from that; 在那里;在那点上 thereinafter = later in the same contract; 以下;在下文 whereby = by what; by which; 由是;凭那个 wherein = in what; in which; 在哪里;在哪点上 …… 是不是有点头昏眼花?初学时确实容易搞混,告诉你个小窍门,here 代表 this,there 代表 that,where 代表 what/which,就容易记多了。 三、多用"shall"代替"will"或"should"加强语气和强制力。 · This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed. 本合同签字生效。 · This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies. 本合同应以英文写成,一式四份,双方各持两份。 合同中,shall并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜译为"应"、"应该"、"必须"; will无论语气还是强制力要比shall弱,宜译为"将"、"原"、"要";should通常只用来表示语气较强的假设、比如"万一"。 用语方面 一、力求严谨,明白无误: · The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this Contract. 下列文件应被认为、读作、解释为本合同的组成部分; · This Contract can only be altered, amended16 or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties. 本合同只能按照双方授权代表签名盖章的文件进行修改或增补; · All activities of ABC Co. shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent17 rules and regulations of China. ABC公司的一切活动必须受中国的法律、法令和有关规章条例的管辖。 二、多用主动语态,少用被动语态: · Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (不宜) 乙方被甲方委托为在新加坡的独家销售代理商; · Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (适宜) 甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的独家销售代理商; 三、多用现在时,少用将来时,尽管很多条款规定的是合同签订以后的事项: · Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensor18 upon the happening of one of the following events: 当有下列事件之一发生,被许可人提前90天向许可人发送书面通知后,可以终止合同: 1. Licensor becomes insolvent19 or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed; 许可人无力偿付债务或其破产清算人以被指定; 2. The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this Contract; and 第二条规定的专利未在签约后30天之内发布; 3. Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract. 许可人未能履行其合同义务。 四、直接表达方式用得多,间接表达方式用的较少: · This Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full. (用得少) 本条款不适用于尚未全部偿付的债券持有者。 · This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. (用得多) 本条款只适用于已全部偿付的债券持有者。 五、尽量使用一个动词,避免使用"动词+名词+介词"的同意短语: · Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30 days after signing the Contract. 甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。宜用appoint代替 make an appointment of. · Party A will give consideration to Party B's proposal of exclusive agency. 甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。宜用consider代替give consideration to. 六、下列特殊用语使用频繁: 1. WHEREAS 鉴于 正式而重要的合同,尤其是英美法系的合同,多用它在前文中引出签约背景和目的,起连词作用: WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of High-Rise Residential20 Complex in Baghdad, Iraq; 鉴于雇主欲请劳动力建造伊拉克巴格达的高层住宅综合大楼; WHEREAS the Contractor is desirous to provide the manpower for the Works; 鉴于承包人想为此工程提供劳动力; 2. WITNESS 证明 在合同前文中常用作首句的谓语动词: This Agreement, made by …… WITNESSES WHEREAS……, it is agreed as follows: 本协议由……签订证明:鉴于……特此达成协议如下: 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 作为所协议事项的证据: 该短语常用于合同的结尾条款: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written. 作为所协议事项的证据,双方授权代表于上面首次写明的日期正式签订本协议一式两份。 4. IN CONSIDERATION OF 以……为约因/报酬 约因是英美法系的合同有效成立要件之一,没有则合同不能依法强制履行。但是,大陆法系的合同则无此规定。 Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises21 and the covenants22 herein, contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 兹以上述各点和契约所载条款为约因,订约双方协议如下: In consideration of the payment to be made by Party A to Party B, Party B hereby covenants with Party A to complete the building in conformity23 with the provisions of the Contract. 乙方特此立约向甲方保证按合同规定完成工程建设,以取得甲方所付的报酬。 5. NOW, THEREFORE 兹特 此短语用于WHEREAS条款之后引出具体协议事项的常用开头语,并与其后hereby的结合。如果无HEREAS条款,则本短语可省略: NOW, THEREFORE, it's hereby agreed and understood as follows; 兹特协议和谅解如下: 6. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS 兹特立约为据 本句话也是用于WHEREAS条款之后引出具体协议事项。 PRESENTS = the present writings 是主语,WITNESS是谓语: NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows: 兹特立约为据,并由订约双方协议如下: 7. IN THE PRESENCE OF 见证人 本短语只在有见证人时使用-在订约双方当事人签名的下方由见证人签名作证,一般是相关的律师(Attorney)或公证处(Notary Public): IN THE PRESENCE OF the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals: 作为协议事项的证据,订约双方各自签名盖章如下: For and on behalf the first Party(甲方代表): The EMPLOYER (雇主)… Capacity (职位) … In the Presence of (见证人) … Capacity (职位)… Address (地址)… For and on behalf of the Second party(乙方代表): The CONTRACTOR (承包人) … Capacity (职位)… In the Presence of (见证人) … Capacity (职位)… Address (地址)…. 涉外合同的其他表达方式 涉外合同还采用下列表达方式,使其更加完整、简洁、醒目、结构严谨、主次分明: 1. 采用大小标题、分章、分条、分款、分项书写。 2. 使用附录(Annex24)、一览表(Schedule)等形式详列某些必要的细节作为合同的组成部分。 3. 在合同前文之后使用定义(Definition)条款-把合同中反复出现的用语加以界定意义并赋予简称,既避免解释上的分歧,又能使合同简洁: Article 1: Definitions 1.1 The Terms as used herein shall have the following meanings: 1.1.1 The term "Products" means the products specified25 in Annex 2. 1.1.2 The term "components26" means any assembled or unassembled parts of the Products. 4. 合同某些需要强调的部分用大写字母书写以资醒目; This AGREEMENT … WITNESSES that WHEREAS … and WHEREAS … NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of it is hereby agreed as follows: 5. 用"括号+简称"的方式把合同中反复出现的重要词语简化,以达到准确、简洁的目的: Foreign Advance Broadcasting Ltd of Amsterdam, Holland (hereinafter called 'LICENSOR") and China Broadcasting Products Factory (hereinafter called "LICENSEE") agree to sign this Contract with the terms and conditions as follows: 6. 用"数字+文字"的方式把合同中某些重要的金额、数量、期限等加以强调,以资醒目: US $ 4500 (Say US. Dollars Four Thousand Five Hundred only) INVESTOR27 will assist CHINESE, PARTY to construct a paper mill in Guangdong Province, China, with a planned capacity of One Million (1000000) metric tons per year. 涉外合同撰写人员的其他注意事项: 一、要能草拟多样的涉外合同: · 要能写各种标的的合同,如以资金、技术、劳务、信息、运输等为标的的合同; · 要能写各种贸易方式的合同-不但会写单项贸易合同,也要会写包括多项贸易方式的合同,如包括商品购买、技术转 让、安装维修培训服务在内的整套设备进口合同。 · 要能草拟符合各国法律要求的合同-较为复杂的英美法系的合同;较为简单的大陆法系的合同;有所差别的社会主义 法系的合同。 二、正确理解和使用合同的形式: 涉外合同订立的形式有口头和书面两种,使用哪一种要看国家法律的规定。鉴于我国涉外经济法第七条规定涉外合 同需以书面形式订立,所以通过信函、电报、传真达成的协议,也要签订确认书,才会受到我国法律的保护。 三、简化合同格式和内容: 坚持使用书面合同的原则的同时,可以根据实际情况简化合同格式和内容,简化的原则如下: · 贸易方式较简单的交易,可使用简便的表格式合同-将常用合同项目预先印成表格,然后把协商同意的内容逐项填入表中,送请对方核对签字; · 与大陆法系国家或其他国家的商人签约,没必要使用英美法系合同前文中的订约缘由条款。比如,可将"This Agreement, made …… WHEREAS …… and WHEREAS …… NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of …… it is hereby agreed as follows:"的冗长文句简化为:"This Agreement is made …… It is mutually agreed as follows:" · 有了"签约地点",一般可省去"适用法律"和"诉讼管辖"条款; · "通知手续"和"完整条款",若不是重要正式合同,可省略; · 已有双方合法代表亲笔签字,合同可以不再盖印; · 注意:合同的基本条款不能省略;不要因简化而忽略了合同的合法性、全面性、明确性和严密性。 四、合同用词和用语的改革: 与基础英语相比,合同的词语较复杂、繁冗、晦涩、难读。因此,国外,特别是美国要求法律文件的格式和语言应 当现代化的呼声愈来愈强烈。Robert E. Swindle早在美国1980年出版的The Business Communicator一书中就写到:" …… legal and quasilegal documents can and are being written in everyday language. Several leading companies are rewriting their legal forms voluntarily, and the State of New York recently passed a law requiring that businesses write consumer contracts in nontechnical language. Additionally, the President of the United States has directed all administrative28 agencies to write future regulations in what he termed plain English for a change." 作为非英美发系的非英语国家,我们应该怎麽应对?Steven认为,万事都有个渐变的过程,长年累月沉淀下来的习惯不是一下就能改变的。所以我们首先还是应该先通晓传统的英语合同格式和用语,在精通的基础上,才能谈得上根据实际情况进行进一步的格式和用语方面的改革,否则,一切都是经不起推敲的。 中国法律英语网
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