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If you find that you will be unable to pay your taxes on time, you may first ask for an extension which can give you several weeks to obtain the money owed. If the amount is too substantial to obtain in this amount of time, you might consider taking out a bank loan to pay your taxes. If neither method is an option, you may then request a payment plan from the I.R.S. Depending on your situation, payment may be divided into smaller, separate sums spanning months or years. However, you will be responsible for any interest that is applied1 to your taxes as a result of such a plan. Regardless of your situation, it is important to file your tax return on time and to notify the I.R.S. as soon as possible of any difficulties you may have in paying your taxes. Failure to do so may result in criminal charges and penalties. For more information on I.R.S. payment plans and deferred2 payment options, contact a tax specialist or attorney, or your local I.R.S. representative.
如果你发现自己将不能按时交税,你可要求几周的延长期来偿还所欠的税款。如果所欠数额太大以至于不能在宽限期内得到这笔钱,你可以考虑用银行贷款来偿还税款。如果以上方法都不是好的解决办法,你也可与税务局协商(制定一个)偿还计划,根据你自身的实际情况,需偿还的税款可以分成每笔数目很小的资金,每笔偿还金之间可以间隔几个月或者是几年。然而,这个偿还计划导致的结果就是你必须根据所欠税额支付利息。不管你个人处于何种情况,按时填写纳税申报单并在你支付税款时遇到的困难及时告知税务局是非常重要的。没有这样做的结果可能导致刑事诉讼和罚款。想了解有关I.R.S.还款计划和选择延期付税方式,可向税务专家、税务律师或者是当地I.R.S.代理人联系。 1、substantial 来自拉丁语 substantialis adj (1)结实的;牢固的 (2)充实的;丰富的 (3)实质上的;大体上的 substantial compliance with the law实际上遵守法律 (4)富有的 2、span 来自中古英语 spanne <古英语 sponu n (1)间距;时距 (2)(事件继续或进展 的)一段时间,期间 (3)(桥、拱门等支撑物之间的)跨度,礅距,全长 (4)一指距 3、defer vi. 推迟, 延期, 听从, 服从 vt. 使推迟, 使延期 点击 ![]()
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