文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-04-03 06:28 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
民事案件中“占有优势证据”的原则 “by a preponderance of evidence” in civil cases

  民事权利能力:the capacity for civil rights

  民事权益:civil rights and interests

  民事诉讼法学 Civil Procedure Law

  民事制裁 civil punishment; civil sanction

  民政部门:the civil affairs department

  明代法规 laws and regulations of Ming Dynasty

  明示或默示的 express or implied

  默示表达 communication by implication

  拿破仑法典  The Code Napolean

  内部规章 internal regulations

  纳妾制 concubinage

  南京条约 (1843) Treaty of Nanking, 1843

  拟制理论 fiction theory

  拟制买卖 mancipatio

  欧洲大陆法 continental law

  偶然权利 contingent right

  偶然因果关系 fortuitous causal relationship

  偶然因素 accidentalia

  偶因 accidental cause

  排他的权利 right to exclude all others

  派生的权利 derived right

  派生取得 derivative acquisition


  判例法系 Case Law System

  普通法法系 Common-Law System

  判例法系 Case Law System

  判例汇编 reports; reports of judgments

  普通法 common law

  普通法法系 Common-Law System

  普通法上的补偿 common-law remedy

  普通法上的过失 common-law negligence

  普通法上的留置权 common-law lien

  普通法学 general jurisprudence

  强制办法 coercive method

  强制规定 mandatory provisions

  强制性法规 mandatory rule of law

  强制性条款 mandatory term

  侵犯财产权 property torts

  侵权行为法 tort law

  侵权责任 tortious liability

  清理法规 check up laws and regulations

  区域性法律体系 regional system of laws

  取证 obtain evidence

  确权之诉 affirmative petitory action; cause for ownership affirmation

  确认之诉 action for confirmation; actio confessoria

  权威解释 authentic interpretation

  人法 human law, statute personalia

  人格减等 capitis deminutio

  人身不可侵犯 inviolability of the person

  人身非财产关系 personal non-property relations

  人身关系 personal relation

  任意解释 arbitrary interpretation

  《日耳曼法》Germanic law

  柔性宪法 flexible constitution

  三权分立 separation of powers

  善意推定 presumption of good faith

  商法 commercial law

  商法典 code of commerce

  社会法学 sociological jurisprudence

  社会关系 social relations
