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PART ONE *A administrator1 [UNDP]署长*aa always afloat永远飘浮[租船合同]*AA assistance administrator [UNDP]助理署长*AAAID Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development阿拉伯农业投资发展局*AAAS American Association for the Advancement2 of Science美国科学促进协会(科促会)
*AAASA Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Science in Africa非洲农业科学促进会(农科促进会) *AACB Association of African Central Banks非洲中央银行协会*AACC Airport Association Co-ordinating Council机场协会协调理事会(机场协调理事会) *AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd Edition [EDP]英美编目规则,第二版*AADAA Autonomous3 Customs Warehouse4 Administration [Bolivia] Administracion Autonoma de Almacenes Aduaneros自主保税仓库管理局*AADFI Association of African Development Financing Institutions非洲发展筹资机构协会*AAEC Australian Atomic Energy Commission澳大利亚原子能委员会*AAJ American Association of Jurists美洲法学家协会*AALCC Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee亚非法律协商委员会(亚非法协) *AAM Anti-Apartheid Movement, The反对种族隔离运动*A and M Department of Administration and Management (A & M; DAM) [UN Secretariat]行政和管理事务部*AAPA American Association of Port Authorities美洲港务局协会*AAPSO Afro-Asian People's Solidarity5 Organization Organisation6 de Solidarite des Peuples Afro-Afriques (OSPAA) 亚非人民团结组织(亚非团结组织) *AAR Association of American Railroads美国铁路协会*aar against all risk (AAR) [Marine Insurance]全险;承保一切风险;保综合险*AARP American Association of Retired7 Persons美国退休人士协会(退休人士协会) *AARRO Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction8 Organization亚非农村复兴组织*AARU Association of Arab Universities阿拉伯大学协会(大学协会) *AAQS ambient air quality standard环境空气质量标准*AASM Associated African States and Madagasgar联系的非洲国家和马达加斯加*AASU All Africa Students Union全非学生联合会*AATPO Association of African Trade Promotion9 Organizations非洲贸易促进组织协会*AAU Association of African Universities非洲大学协会(大学协会) *AAWORD Association of African Women for Research and Development非洲妇女研究和发展协会(非洲妇女研发协会) *AB actiebolag [Sweden]股份有限公司*AB American Bureau of Shipping10 (ABS) [USA]美国船级社;美国船舶局*AB countries with abnormal burden负担过重国家* ABA American Bar Association美国律师协会*ABACC Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting11 and Control of Nuclear Material阿根廷—巴西核材料审计及监督署*ABAI American Boiler12 and Affiliated13 Industries美国锅炉及附属设备制造商协会*ABB ASEA Brown Boveri (ASEA: Allmanna Svenska Elektriska AB) 瑞典通用电机—布朗·博韦里联合公司*ABCP Asian Buddhists14 Conference for Peace亚洲佛教徒促进和平会议(佛教徒促进和平会议) *Abd Abdel阿卜杜勒[阿拉伯人名]*ABEDA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Banque Arabe pour le Developpement Economique en Afrique(BADEA) 阿拉伯非洲经济发展银行(阿拉伯非洲银行) *ABIFT Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign Trade阿拉伯投资和外贸银行*ABL authorized15 budget level核定预算数额*ABM anti-ballistic missile反弹道导弹ABM Treaty; Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet16 Socialist17 Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missiles System [A/C.1/1026(XXVII)]美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟关于限制反弹道导弹系统条约(反弹道导弹条约) *ABMA American Boiler Manufacturers Association美国锅炉制造商协会*ABN Algemene Bank Nederland NV荷兰银行* AboC Agricultural Bank of China中国农业银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2) *ABP Associated British Ports (a privatized institution which owned 19 ports that handled more than one quarter of the national port traffic) 英国联合港口公司*ABRI Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indesonia [Indonesia]印度尼西亚共和国武装部队*ABS alkyl benzenesulfonate苯磺酸烷酯*ABS American Bureau of Shipping (AB) [USA]美国船级社;美国船舶局*abs re absens reo [Latin]被告不在;被告未到庭* ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics澳大利亚统计局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2) *ABSU All-Burma Students' Union [Burma]全缅学生联合会*ABU Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union亚洲及太平洋广播联盟*AC accion civica [Spanish]公民行动*AC anno Christi [Latin]公元[平常情况下应采用后者]ante Christum [Latin]公元前*AC average cost平均成本*A/C current account (a/c; C/A) 往来帐户;活期存款帐户*ACABQ Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会) *ACAMAR Central American Shipowners' Association Asociacion Centroamericana de Armadores中美洲船东协会*ACAP Association Congolaise d'Amitie entre les Peuples刚果争取各国人民友好协会*ACAST Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development (ACASTD) 科学和技术促进发展咨询委员会(科技促进发展咨委会) *ACASTD Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development (ACAST) 科学和技术促进发展咨询委员会(科技促进发展咨委会) *ACAT Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture基督徒废除酷刑行动IFACAT International Federation of ACAT基督徒废除酷刑行动组织国际联合会(基督徒废除酷刑联合会) *ACBCC Advisory Committees to the Board and to the Committee on Commodities [UNCTAD]理事会和商品委员会的咨询委员会*ACC Accounts Division [OFS]帐务司*ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination [ESC]行政协调委员会(行政协调会) *ACC Arab Co-operation Council阿拉伯合作委员会*ACC Asian Coconut Community [ESCAP]亚洲椰子共同体*acc acceptance承兑;承兑票据;承保[保险];验收[商检]*ACCAD Advisory Committee for the World Climate Applications and Data Programme世界气候应用和数据方案咨询委员会(气候应用咨委会) *ACCAUD accounting and auditing会计和审计*ACCIS Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems资料系统协调事务咨询委员会(资协咨委会) *ACC-SCN Sub-Committee on Nutrition of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination行政协调委员会营养问题小组委员会(行政协调会营养问题小组委员会) *ACCT Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation (ACTC) Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique文化和技术合作机构*ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency [USA]美国军备控制和裁军署*ACDA Asian Centre for Development Administration亚洲发展事业管理中心*ACDI Agriculture Co-operative Development International国际农业合作社发展局(农业合作社发展局) *ACE Architects' Council of Europe欧洲建筑师理事会*ACE Community environmental actions [EC] actions communautaires pour l'environnement共同体改善环境行动*ACEFRS Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文*ACEI Association for Childhood Education International幼年教育国际协会(幼年教育协会) *ACEMRR Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research海洋资源研究专家咨询委员会*ACFOA Australian Council for Overseas Aid澳大利亚海外援助理事会*ACFOD Asian Cultural Forum on Development亚洲发展文化论坛(发展文化论坛) *ACH automated clearing houses (ACHs) 自动化票据交换所*ACHHRP African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promoters非洲卫生和人权促进者委员会*ACHPR African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights非洲人权和人民权利委员会 点击 ![]()
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