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backlog1 Number of pending2 cases exceeding the capacity of a court which is engaged in acting3 on other cases.
bail4 Money or other security (such as a bail bond) given to a court to temporarily secure a person's release from custody5 and assure his/her appearance in court. May be forfeited6 should individual subsequently fail to appear before the court. Bail and bond are often used interchangeably.
bail authority In Pennsylvania the district justice, magistrate7, Philadelphia bail commissioner8 or judge with jurisdiction9 over the case in question authorized10 by law to set, modify, revoke11 or deny bail.
bail bond (often referred to simply as bond) Obligation, signed by accused, to secure his/her presence at trial and which he/she may lose by not properly appearing for trial.
bailiff Court attendant who keeps order in the courtroom and has custody of the jury.
bankruptcy12 Statutes13 and judicial14 proceedings15 involving persons or businesses who cannot pay debts and seek assistance of court in getting a fresh start.
bar Historically, partition separating general public from space occupied by judges, lawyers and other participants in a trial. More commonly, the whole body of lawyers. A "case at bar" is a case currently being considered.
bar examination State examination taken by prospective16 lawyers in order to be admitted to practice law.
battered17 child syndrome18 Medical and psychological condition of a child who has suffered continuing injuries not inflicted19 accidentally and thus are presumed to have been inflicted by someone close to the child.
battered woman syndrome Medical and psychological condition of a woman who has been physically20, sexually and/or emotionally abused by a spouse21 or lover. Also called battered wife syndrome or battered spouse syndrome.
battery Physical contact intended to harm someone. Threat to use force is assault; use of it is battery, which usually includes an assault. Aggravated22 battery is unlawful use of force with unusual or serious consequences, e.g., use of a dangerous weapon.
bench Seat occupied by the judge. More broadly, the court itself.
bench trial Trial with no jury, in which the judge decides the facts.
bench warrant Arrest warrant issued directly by a judge.
beneficiary Someone named to receive benefits from a legal device such as a will, trust or insurance policy.
bequeath To give someone a gift through a will.
bequests23 Gifts made in a will.
best evidence Primary evidence; best evidence available. Evidence short of this is "secondary." E.g., an original letter is the best evidence; a photocopy24 is secondary evidence.
beyond a reasonable doubt Standard in a criminal case requiring the jury to be satisfied "to a moral certainty" that every element of the crime has been proven by prosecution25. Does not require state to establish absolute certainty by eliminating all doubt, but does require that evidence be so conclusive26 that all reasonable doubts are removed from the mind of the ordinary person.
bifurcation Dividing the issues in a case so that one issue can be decided27 before the others. E.g., a divorce will often be granted before custody, support and marital28 property issues are resolved.
bill Formal written declaration, petition, complaint or statement. E.g., a declaration of wrong a complainant has suffered is a bill of complaint. Also, a draft of a new or amended29 law presented to a legislature for action.
bill of evidence Transcript30 of testimony31 heard at trial.
bill of particulars Statement detailing charge/s made against defendant32.
bind33 over To hold a person for trial on bond (bail) or in jail. If the judicial official conducting the preliminary hearing finds probable cause to believe accused committed a crime, he/she will "bind over" accused, normally by setting bail for accused's appearance at trial.
binding34 instruction Instruction in which jury is told that if it finds certain conditions to be true, to find for the plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be. Compare directed verdict.
black letter laws Informal term encompassing35 basic principles of law generally accepted by courts or present in statutes of a particular jurisdiction.
blue sky laws State statutes regulating sale of securities.
bond See bail bond.
booking Process of photographing, fingerprinting36 and recording37 identifying data of a suspect following arrest.
breach38 of contract Legally inexcusable failure to perform contractual obligation.
brief Written statement prepared by one side in a lawsuit39 to explain to the court its view of the facts of a case and applicable law.
burden of proof Necessity or duty to prove a fact in a dispute. Not the same as standard of proof. Burden of proof deals with which side must establish a point or points; standard of proof indicates degree to which point must be proven.
burglary Breaking into and entering a building with intent to commit a felony


1 backlog bPiyc     
  • It will take a month to clear the backlog of work.要花一个月的时间才能清理完积压的工作。
  • Investment is needed to reduce the backlog of repairs.需要投资来減轻积压的维修工作。
2 pending uMFxw     
  • The lawsuit is still pending in the state court.这案子仍在州法庭等待定夺。
  • He knew my examination was pending.他知道我就要考试了。
3 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
4 bail Aupz4     
  • One of the prisoner's friends offered to bail him out.犯人的一个朋友答应保释他出来。
  • She has been granted conditional bail.她被准予有条件保释。
5 custody Qntzd     
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。
  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.抢劫案发生后,他立即被押了起来。
6 forfeited 61f3953f8f253a0175a1f25530295885     
(因违反协议、犯规、受罚等)丧失,失去( forfeit的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Because he broke the rules, he forfeited his winnings. 他犯规,所以丧失了奖金。
  • He has forfeited the right to be the leader of this nation. 他丧失了作为这个国家领导的权利。
7 magistrate e8vzN     
  • The magistrate committed him to prison for a month.法官判处他一个月监禁。
  • John was fined 1000 dollars by the magistrate.约翰被地方法官罚款1000美元。
8 commissioner gq3zX     
  • The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.专员发出了对她的逮捕令。
  • He was tapped for police commissioner.他被任命为警务处长。
9 jurisdiction La8zP     
  • It doesn't lie within my jurisdiction to set you free.我无权将你释放。
  • Changzhou is under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province.常州隶属江苏省。
10 authorized jyLzgx     
  • An administrative order is valid if authorized by a statute.如果一个行政命令得到一个法规的认可那么这个命令就是有效的。
11 revoke aWYxX     
  • The university may revoke my diploma.大学可能吊销我的毕业证书。
  • The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.政府撤销了她丈夫管理外来打工人群的许可证。
12 bankruptcy fPoyJ     
  • You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。
  • His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy.他的商号正面临破产的危险。
13 statutes 2e67695e587bd14afa1655b870b4c16e     
成文法( statute的名词复数 ); 法令; 法规; 章程
  • The numerous existing statutes are complicated and poorly coordinated. 目前繁多的法令既十分复杂又缺乏快调。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • Each agency is also restricted by the particular statutes governing its activities. 各个机构的行为也受具体法令限制。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
14 judicial c3fxD     
  • He is a man with a judicial mind.他是个公正的人。
  • Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.汤姆对他的父亲正式提出诉讼。
15 proceedings Wk2zvX     
  • He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. 他交保获释正在候审。
  • to initiate legal proceedings against sb 对某人提起诉讼
16 prospective oR7xB     
  • The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。
  • They have all these great activities for prospective freshmen.这会举办各种各样的活动来招待未来的新人。
17 battered NyezEM     
  • He drove up in a battered old car.他开着一辆又老又破的旧车。
  • The world was brutally battered but it survived.这个世界遭受了惨重的创伤,但它还是生存下来了。
18 syndrome uqBwu     
  • The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome. 该研究所表示,引起这种综合症的是一种尚未确认的病毒。
  • Results indicated that 11 fetuses had Down syndrome. 结果表明有11个胎儿患有唐氏综合征。
19 inflicted cd6137b3bb7ad543500a72a112c6680f     
把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team. 他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。
  • Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her. 卓娅英勇地承受法西斯匪徒加在她身上的酷刑。
20 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
21 spouse Ah6yK     
  • Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday.她的丈夫星期天要来看她。
  • What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage?在婚姻中保持配偶幸福的最好方法是什么?
22 aggravated d0aec1b8bb810b0e260cb2aa0ff9c2ed     
使恶化( aggravate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使更严重; 激怒; 使恼火
  • If he aggravated me any more I shall hit him. 假如他再激怒我,我就要揍他。
  • Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it. 这药非但不镇咳,反而使我咳嗽得更厉害。
23 bequests a47cf7b1ace6563dc82dfe0dc08bc225     
n.遗赠( bequest的名词复数 );遗产,遗赠物
  • About half this amount comes from individual donors and bequests. 这笔钱大约有一半来自个人捐赠及遗赠。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He left bequests of money to all his friends. 他留下一些钱遗赠给他所有的朋友。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
24 photocopy XlFzlM     
  • The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy.原件复印得十分清晰。
  • What's wrong with the photocopy machine?复印机出了什么问题?
25 prosecution uBWyL     
  • The Smiths brought a prosecution against the organizers.史密斯家对组织者们提出起诉。
  • He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.他试图反驳原告方证人所作的断言。
26 conclusive TYjyw     
  • They produced some fairly conclusive evidence.他们提供了一些相当确凿的证据。
  • Franklin did not believe that the French tests were conclusive.富兰克林不相信这个法国人的实验是结论性的。
27 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
28 marital SBixg     
  • Her son had no marital problems.她的儿子没有婚姻问题。
  • I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems;all its done is to bring trouble about my ears.我后悔干涉我女儿的婚姻问题, 现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。
29 Amended b2abcd9d0c12afefe22fd275996593e0     
adj. 修正的 动词amend的过去式和过去分词
  • He asked to see the amended version. 他要求看修订本。
  • He amended his speech by making some additions and deletions. 他对讲稿作了些增删修改。
30 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
31 testimony zpbwO     
  • The testimony given by him is dubious.他所作的证据是可疑的。
  • He was called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said.他被传入为警官所说的话作证。
32 defendant mYdzW     
  • The judge rejected a bribe from the defendant's family.法官拒收被告家属的贿赂。
  • The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.有力的证据使被告认输了。
33 bind Vt8zi     
  • I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.我让服务生帮你把包裹包起来。
  • He wants a shirt that does not bind him.他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
34 binding 2yEzWb     
  • The contract was not signed and has no binding force. 合同没有签署因而没有约束力。
  • Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding. 双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。
35 encompassing d3e1478f9dbf972fd2599732510b1379     
v.围绕( encompass的现在分词 );包围;包含;包括
  • Being too large and all-encompassing is a common defect among state-owned enterprises. 过分追求大而全,是国企的一大通病。 来自互联网
  • Our services are: all-encompassing, love justice and high quality. 我们的服务目标是:全方位、真情义、高质量。 来自互联网
36 fingerprinting 8348cf585ea52015e22700eed3897352     
v.指纹( fingerprint的现在分词 )
  • Institutions from banks to pawnshops are fingerprinting to authenticate transactions. 从银行到当铺,都在使用指纹识别对交易进行验证。 来自互联网
  • In addition, a digital fingerprinting algorithm based on binary codes is described. 介绍了一种二进制指纹编码方案。 来自互联网
37 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
38 breach 2sgzw     
  • We won't have any breach of discipline.我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
  • He was sued for breach of contract.他因不履行合同而被起诉。
39 lawsuit A14xy     
  • They threatened him with a lawsuit.他们以诉讼威逼他。
  • He was perpetually involving himself in this long lawsuit.他使自己无休止地卷入这场长时间的诉讼。
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