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上海市人民政府关于发布《中国2010年上海世博会场址企事业单位拆迁补偿安置资金使用管理规定》的通知 各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局: 现发布《中国2010年上海世博会场址企事业单位拆迁补偿安置资金使用管理规定》,请认真按照执行。 二○○四年九月二十日 中国2010年上海世博会场址企事业单位拆迁补偿安置资金使用管理规定 第一条 (目的和依据) 为加强拆迁补偿安置资金的使用和监督管理,维护拆迁当事人的合法权益,保障中国2010年上海世博会拆迁交地工作在2006年底前如期完成,根据《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》、《上海市城市房屋拆迁管理实施细则》、《上海市土地储备办法》以及国家和本市的有关规定,制订本规定。 第二条 (适用范围) 本规定适用于世博会规划红线范围内的拆迁人和被实施房屋拆迁的企事业单位(下称“被拆迁人”)。 第三条 (拆迁补偿安置资金使用原则) 拆迁补偿安置资金的使用,应遵循专款专用、维护稳定、确保按时拆迁交地的原则。 本条所指的专款专用,是指被拆迁人在完成拆迁交地前,必须将拆迁补偿安置资金优先用于职工安置及释放土地和房屋他项权利等。被拆迁人完成拆迁交地后,剩余的拆迁补偿安置资金不再受本办法专款专用的约束。 第四条 (拆迁协议) 拆迁人和被拆迁人应当按照国家和本市有关规定签订拆迁协议,确保拆迁补偿安置资金的规范使用。协议一般应包括以下内容: (一)被拆迁人按约履行搬迁交地义务;拆迁人按约支付预付款,并按照被拆迁人搬迁和交地进度支付其他补偿款项; (二)被拆迁人设立拆迁补偿安置资金专用帐户,实行专款专用,专门用于搬迁安置; (三)拆迁人有权监督被拆迁人实行专款专用的情况,被拆迁人将拆迁补偿安置资金主要用途的相关凭证交拆迁人备案; (四)被拆迁人若违反专款专用的约定,拆迁人有权拒绝支付未付款项,直至被拆迁人纠正其不当用款行为。但被拆迁人仍须按约履行搬迁交地义务。 第五条 (设有抵押权房地产拆迁补偿安置) 拆迁设有抵押权的房屋,抵押人与抵押权人应按照《上海市房地产抵押办法》的规定,就抵押权及其所担保债权的处理问题进行协商,确保释放土地和房屋他项权利,并向拆迁人提供有关书面协议后,被拆迁人方可取得拆迁补偿安置资金。 抵押人与抵押权人达不成协议的,拆迁人应对被拆迁人实行货币补偿,并将拆迁补偿安置资金向公证机关办理提存。 本市房地产登记机构应及时为拆迁人提供世博会范围内企事业单位房地产抵押担保情况等相关资料的查阅。上海市金融服务办公室应对有关债权处理给予必要的协调支持。 第六条 (被查封房地产拆迁补偿安置) 对世博会规划红线范围内被法院查封的房地产,拆迁人和被拆迁人应积极配合法院和相关债权人办理解封手续。拆迁补偿安置资金以提存等方式释放土地和房屋的他项权利时,优先考虑人员安置等费用。 第七条 (权属争议房地产拆迁补偿安置) 拆迁产权不明确的房屋,拆迁人应提出补偿安置方案,对被拆迁房屋作勘察记录,向公证机关办理补偿款提存和证据保全手续,并报区、县房地局审核同意后实施拆迁。 第八条 (资不抵债企业拆迁补偿安置) 对于资不抵债的国有企业(被拆迁人),优先纳入本市企业破产计划,进入破产程序,并依法进行拆迁补偿安置。 对上述未纳入破产计划的企业,由拆迁人与被拆迁人及其国有控股公司签订拆迁协议,由其国有控股公司统筹使用拆迁补偿安置资金,并及时对企业实施关、停、并、转,负责有关人员安置及债务处置。 市有关主管部门应根据各自职责,对上述企业的职工安置、人员分流以及相关债务处置提供政策支持。 第九条 (拆迁补偿安置资金使用监管) 企业(被拆迁人)的国有出资代表及上级国资管理部门对拆迁补偿安置资金使用,负有监督管理责任。 上海市房屋土地资源管理局和区、县房地部门应加强对拆迁补偿安置资金使用的监督,出具拆迁补偿安置资金存款证明的银行应协助监督。 第十条 (拆迁补偿安置资金的审计与检查) 拆迁补偿安置资金实行专项审计和检查。拆迁当事人应按照拆迁协议,制定资金使用计划,严格用款程序。有关监管部门要加强监督检查,确保专款专用。市、区审计部门应按照有关规定,对拆迁补偿安置资金使用情况进行审计与监督检查。 第十一条 (附则) 与世博会相关的企事业单位迁建基地的资金使用,参照本规定执行。 本规定自2004年10月1日起施行。 Provisions on the Administration of the Use of the Funds for the Compensation for the Demolition1, Relocation and Resettlement of the Enterprises and Institutions in the Site of China 2010 Shanghai World Expo Article 1 (Purpose and Basis) With the purpose of strengthening the use, supervision2 and administration of the funds for compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement, safeguarding the legitimate3 rights and interests of the parties concerned in the demolition and relocation, ensuring the accomplishment4 of the work of demolition and relocation and the handing over of the land for China 2010 Shanghai World Expo as scheduled before the end of the year 2006, these"Provisions"are formulated5 in accordance with the"Regulations on the Administration of the Demolition and Relocation of Urban Houses", the"Detailed Implementation6 Rules of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Demolition and Relocation of Urban Houses", the"Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Land Reserve"and the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality. Article 2 (Scope of Application) These Provisions apply to the demolishers and relocators in the coverage7 of the red line of the World Expo planning and the enterprises and institutions whose houses are to be demolished8 and relocated (hereinafter referred to as"the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated"). Article 3 (Principle of the Use of the Funds for the Compensation for the Demolition, Relocation and Resettlement) The use of the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement shall follow the principle of earmarking the money for special purpose, safeguarding stability and ensuring the demolition and relocation and handing over of land in time. The"earmarking the money for special purpose"mentioned in this Article means that the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated must, prior to the completion of the demolition and relocation and handing over of land, give the priority of the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement to the resettlement of employees and discharge of other rights of land and houses, etc. After the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated have completed the demolition and relocation and handing over of land, the remainder of the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement shall not be bound to the restrictions9 of being earmarked money for special purpose set in these Provisions. Article 4 (Agreement on Demolition and Relocation) The demolishers and relocators and the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated shall, in accordance with the related provisions of the State and this Municipality, sign the agreement on demolition and relocation to ensure the normalized use of the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement. Such agreement shall cover the following contents: 1. The parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated perform the obligation of the demolition and relocation and the handing over of land as agreed upon; the demolishers and relocators pay the advance money as agreed upon, and in the light of the schedule for the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated to relocate and hand over the land, pay other items of compensation money; 2. The parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated set up a special account for the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement, and use the money specifically for demolition and relocation and resettlement; 3.The demolishers and relocators are entitled to supervise the use of the earmarked funds by the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated, and the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated file the vouchers10 related to the main use of the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement to the demolishers and relocators for the record; 4. Where the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated violate the agreement governing earmarking money for special use, the demolishers and relocators are entitled to refuse the payment of the unpaid11 remainder till the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated rectify12 their improper13 use of money, but the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated must still perform their obligation to relocate and hand over the land as agreed upon. Article 5 (Compensation for the Demolition and Relocation and Resettlement of the Mortgaged Property) In the case of the demolition and relocation of the mortgaged houses, the mortgagor and mortgagee shall, in accordance with the provisions of the"Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Mortgage of Real Estate", conduct consultation14 on how to deal with the mortgage and the claim it guarantees, to ensure the discharge of other rights of land and houses, and only after they provide the demolishers and relocators with related written agreement can the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated obtain the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement. Where no agreement can be reached between the mortgagor and the mortgagee, the demolishers and relocators shall give compensation in currency to the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated and go through the formalities of tender of the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement with the notary15 organs. This Municipality's real estate registration16 agencies shall provide the demolishers and relocators in time with the consultation of the materials related to the mortgage and guarantee of the real estate of the enterprises and institutions in the site of the Shanghai World Expo. The Shanghai Municipal Finance Service Office shall give necessary coordination17 and support in time to the handling of related obligatory18 right. Article 6 (Compensation for the Demolition, Relocation and Resettlement of the Sealed-up Real Estate) The demolishers and relocators and the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated shall actively19 cooperate with the court and the related creditors20 to go through the formalities of releasing the sealing up of the real estate that has been sealed up by court in the limits of the red line of the World Expo planning. Where the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement discharges other rights of land and houses in the form tender, etc., priority shall be given to the expense for resettling the personnel. Article 7 (Compensation for the Demolition, Relocation and Resettlement of the Real Estate Whose Ownership Is in Dispute) In time of demolishing21 and relocating the houses whose ownership is not clear, the demolishers and relocators shall put forward the scheme for compensation and resettlement, make record of survey for the houses to be demolished and relocated, go through the formalities of tender of the compensation money and preservation22 of evidences with the notary organ, and perform demolition and relocation after submitting a report to the district/county houses and land bureaus for examination and approval and obtaining their approval therefor. Article 8 (Compensation for the Demolition, Relocation and Resettlement of Insolvent23 Enterprises) The insolvent State-owned enterprises (the parties of the houses to be demolished) shall be given priority to be incorporated into this Municipality's enterprise bankruptcy24 plan to begin bankruptcy procedure and obtain compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement according to law. The demolishers and relocators shall sign a agreement of demolition and relocation with the parties of the houses to be demolished and relocated and the State-holder companies of the rest of the aforesaid enterprises that are not incorporated into bankruptcy plan, the State-holder companies of the rest of the aforesaid enterprises that are not incorporated into bankruptcy plan use the funds for compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement in an overall manner, close down, stop the business of, merge25 or transform the enterprises in time, and are responsible for resettling employees and deal with liabilities. The relevant municipal competent administrative26 departments shall, according to their respective functions and duties, provide policy support for the resettlement of the employees, split-flow of employees and the dealing27 with related debts of the aforesaid enterprises. Article 9 (Supervision and Administration of the Funds for the Compensation for the Demolition, Relocation and Resettlement) The representatives of the State-owned funds providers of the enterprises (the parties of the houses to be demolished) and the superior State-owned assets administrative departments are responsible for supervising and administrating the use of the funds for compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement. The Shanghai Municipal Houses, Land and Resources Administration and the district/county houses and land departments shall strengthen the use of the funds for the compensation for demolition, relocation and resettlement, and the banks providing the certificate for the deposit of the funds for compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement shall furnish assistance in supervision. Article 10 (Auditing29 and Inspection30 of the Funds for Compensation for the Demolition, Relocation and Resettlement) Special auditing and inspection shall be implemented31 for the funds for the compensation for the demolition, relocation and resettlement. The parties concerned in demolition and relocation shall, in accordance with the agreement on demolition and relocation, draw up the fund-use plan, and strictly32 observe the fund-use procedure. The related departments of supervision and administration shall strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure the money is used for the special purpose. The municipal and district auditing departments shall, in accordance with related regulations, audit28, supervise and inspect the use of the funds for the compensation for demolition, relocation and resettlement. Article 11(Supplementary Provisions) The use of the funds for the bases of the relocation and rebuilding of the enterprises and institutions related to Shanghai World Expo shall be implemented in the light of these"Provisions". These"Provisions"shall become effective on October 1, 2004 点击收听单词发音
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