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  第一章 总 则

  第一条 为加强保险资金债券投资管理,丰富投资品种,改善投资组合,有效分散风险,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》及有关法律法规,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称保险机构投资者(以下简称保险机构),是指经中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)批准设立并依法登记注册,从事债券投资的保险公司和保险资产管理公司。保险集团公司、保险控股公司从事债券投资,适用本办法。

  第三条 本办法所称债券是指各类发行人,依法在境内发行的人民币债券和外币债券。

  第四条 保险机构可投资债券,包括政府债券、金融债券、企业(公司)债券及有关部门批准发行的其他债券。

  第五条 保险机构应按资产负债匹配管理要求、中国保监会监管标准,制定资产战略配置计划和投资策略,自主配置债券资产,自担风险,自负盈亏。

  第六条 保险机构应按中国保监会有关规定,委托第三方独立托管债券资产。

  第七条 中国保监会负责制定保险机构债券投资管理政策和规定,适时调整债券投资品种和投资比例,依法对投资活动进行监督管理。

  第二章 政府债券投资

  第八条 保险机构投资政府债券,可按资产配置需要和投资策略,自主确定投资总比例和单项比例,保持一定比例的政府债券。

  第三章 金融债券投资

  第九条 保险机构投资的金融债券,包括中央银行票据、政策性银行金融债券、政策性银行次级债券、商业银行金融债券、商业银行次级债券、商业银行次级定期债务、保险公司次级定期债务、国际开发机构人民币债券等。

  第一节 中央银行票据

  第十条 保险机构投资中央银行票据,可按资产配置需要和投资策略,自主确定投资总比例和单项比例。

  第二节 政策性银行金融债券和次级债券

  第十一条 保险机构投资的政策性银行金融债券,应是政策性银行按照《全国银行间债券市场金融债券发行管理办法》(以下简称管理办法),经中国人民银行核准,在全国银行间债券市场发行的金融债券。


  第十二条 保险机构投资的政策性银行金融债券和次级债券可以免于信用评级。

  第十三条 保险机构投资政策性银行金融债券和次级债券,可按资产配置需要和投资策略,自主确定投资总比例和单项比例。

  第十四条 保险机构投资定向发行的政策性银行金融债券或私募发行的次级债券,其发行人条件和债券信用级别,按本办法第十一条和第十二条的规定执行。投资该债券的余额计入政策性银行金融债券和次级债券的余额,总比例和单项比例按本办法第十三条的规定执行。

  第三节 商业银行金融债券和次级债券

  第十五条 保险机构投资的商业银行金融债券和次级债券,其发行人应符合《管理办法》、《次级债办法》及中国人民银行、中国银监会的其他有关规定,同时还应具备下列条件:









  第十六条 保险机构投资的商业银行金融债券和次级债券,应具有国内信用评级机构评定的A级或者相当于A级以上的长期信用级别。

  第十七条 保险机构投资具有担保的金融债券和次级债券,担保人的资信不得低于发行人的信用级别。

  第十八条 保险机构投资的商业银行金融债券和次级债券,应符合下列比例规定:





  第十九条 保险机构投资定向发行的商业银行金融债券或私募发行的次级债券,其发行人条件和债券信用级别,按本办法第十五条、第十六条和第十七条的规定执行。投资该债券的余额计入商业银行金融债券和次级债券的余额,总比例和单项比例按本办法第十八条的规定执行。

  第四节 商业银行次级定期债务

  第二十条 保险机构投资的商业银行次级定期债务,应是国有商业银行和全国性股份制商业银行,按照《关于将次级定期债务计入附属资本的通知》和《次级债办法》,经中国银监会批准发行的次级定期债务。


  第二十一条 保险机构投资的商业银行次级定期债务,应符合下列比例规定:




  第二十二条 保险机构投资的商业银行次级定期债务,期限不得超过6年。

  第五节 保险公司次级定期债务

  第二十三条 保险机构投资的保险公司次级定期债务,应是保险公司按《保险公司次级定期债务管理暂行办法》,经中国保监会批准定向募集的次级定期债务。

  第二十四条 保险机构投资的保险公司次级定期债务,应符合下列比例规定:




  第二十五条 保险机构与定向募集次级定期债务的保险公司存在下列情况之一的,保险机构不得投资该保险公司定向募集的次级定期债务:




  第六节 国际开发机构人民币债券

  第二十六条 保险机构投资的国际开发机构人民币债券,应是国际开发性金融机构按照《国际开发机构人民币债券发行管理暂行办法》,经有关部门审核,报国务院同意发行的人民币债券。

  第二十七条 保险机构投资国际开发机构人民币债券,可按资产配置需要和投资策略,自主确定投资总比例和单项比例。

  第四章 企业(公司)债券投资

  第二十八条 保险机构投资短期融资券、可转换公司债券,按企业(公司)债券投资管理。

  第一节 企业(公司)债券

  第二十九条 保险机构投资的企业(公司)债券,其发行人除符合国家有关规定外,还应具备下列条件:









  第三十条 保险机构投资的企业(公司)债券,应具有国内信用评级机构评定的AA级或者相当于AA级以上的长期信用级别。

  第三十一条 保险机构投资的企业(公司)债券,应符合下列比例规定:








  第三十二条 保险机构投资无担保的企业(公司)债券,由中国保监会另行规定。

  第二节 可转换公司债券

  第三十三条 保险机构投资的可转换公司债券,其发行人除符合国家有关规定外,还应具备下列条件:



  第三十四条 保险机构投资的可转换公司债券,应符合下列比例规定:







  第三十五条 保险机构投资可转换公司债券转换成股票的,应按《保险机构投资者股票投资管理暂行办法》(以下简称股票投资办法)的规定执行。

  第三节 短期融资券

  第三十六条 保险机构投资的短期融资券,应是非金融企业按照《短期融资券管理办法》,经中国人民银行备案,在全国银行间债券市场发行的短期融资券。

  第三十七条 保险机构投资的短期融资券,其发行人除符合《短期融资券管理办法》规定条件外,还应具备下列条件:






  第三十八条 保险机构投资短期融资券的信用评级,应符合下列条件:






  第三十九条 保险机构投资的短期融资券,应符合下列比例规定:




  第五章 风险控制

  第四十条 保险机构应按《保险资金运用风险控制指引》的要求,建立完善的债券投资风险控制制度,制定科学、严谨、高效的业务操作流程,并向中国保监会备案。

  第四十一条 保险机构选择的债券资产托管人,应是符合《股票投资办法》规定条件的商业银行或者其他专业金融机构。

  第四十二条 保险机构与托管人签订的债券托管协议内容、托管人职责和义务,以及对托管人的监督管理,按照《保险公司股票资产托管指引(试行)》的有关规定执行。

  第四十三条 保险机构应加强债券投资的风险管理,对债券投资组合的期限结构、品种配置、信用分布和流动性要求等进行合理安排,并对债券投资资产质量、收益水平、风险属性、风险危害和发生频率等进行跟踪管理。定期对政策风险、信用风险、市场风险、流动性风险和操作风险进行分析评估,将债券投资总体风险控制在可承受范围内。

  第四十四条 保险机构应建立债券发行人和债券的信用风险评估系统,对债券发行人和债券的信用状况进行持续跟踪评估,并作为债券投资决策的重要依据。

  第四十五条 保险机构应根据债券发行人的信用状况和债券风险程度,以及中国保监会的监管标准,设定投资限制,定期或者在债券发行人和债券信用状况发生变化时,调整投资限额。

  第四十六条 保险机构投资同一发行人发行或者提供担保的各类债券(不含政府债券、中央银行票据、政策性银行金融债券、政策性银行次级债券)的余额,按成本价格计算,合计不得超过该保险机构上季末总资产的20%.

  第四十七条 保险机构为投资连结保险产品设立的投资账户,投资商业银行金融债券、次级债券和企业(公司)债券的比例,可以为该账户上季末总资产的100%;



  第四十八条 保险机构投资的债券,最新跟踪信用评级下调时,保险机构应按中国保监会的有关规定,制定调整措施,限期将该债券投资调至规定的比例内。

  第四十九条 保险机构投资的债券,其发行人出现以下情况之一的,应停止投资该发行人新发行和已发行的债券,并妥善处置已持有的债券:






  第五十条 保险机构进行债券回购交易,应有效控制回购规模,规避流动性风险。



  第五十一条 保险公司委托多个投资管理机构进行债券投资的,其债券投资余额合并计算,不得超过中国保监会规定的投资比例。

  第五十二条 保险资产管理公司受托管理多个保险公司和其他机构债券资产,应按保险公司和其他机构的资产配置要求,公平、公正地管理债券资产。


  第五十三条 保险机构选择证券经营机构席位进行债券交易,该证券经营机构应符合《股票投资办法》规定的条件。

  第五十四条 保险机构应与证券经营机构总公司签订经纪业务协议。协议至少应载明《股票投资办法》规定的证券经营机构的义务。证券经营机构违反有关义务,中国保监会要求保险机构更换证券经营机构的,保险机构有权提前终止协议。

  第五十五条 保险机构与债券资产托管人之间的资金划拨和费用支付、保险机构与证券经营机构之间的费用支付必须采用转帐方式。

  第五十六条 保险机构与证券经营机构或其他非保险机构之间不得有下列行为:





  第六章 监督管理

  第五十七条 证券经营机构向保险机构出租席位的,应向中国保监会提供符合《股票投资办法》规定条件的证明材料和履行职责的承诺书。中国保监会将从资产规模、公司治理、内部控制、诚信状况、研究能力、市场地位等方面,对其进行评估并出具审核意见书。

  第五十八条 保险机构开立证券账户、租用席位,应向中国保监会提交《证券账户申请书》和《席位申请书》,取得中国保监会资金运用监管部确认函后,办理相关手续。

  第五十九条 保险机构应按规定,向中国保监会报送下列报表、报告或者其他事项:





  第六十条 中国保监会定期不定期对保险机构债券投资的风险控制制度、业务操作流程和信用风险评估系统等进行检查,也可聘请会计师事务所等中介机构对保险机构债券投资情况进行检查。

  第六十一条 中国保监会核准保险机构可投资债券的信用评级机构,有关规定另行制定。新规定颁布前,本办法所称信用评级机构适用经中国保监会认可的企业债券信用评级机构。

  第六十二条 保险机构投资资产支持证券、非银行金融机构发行的金融债券、金融机构发行的短期融资券等金融产品的有关规定,由中国保监会另行制定。

  第六十三条 保险机构参与债券远期等衍生产品交易的有关规定,由中国保监会另行制定。

  第六十四条 保险机构投资债券违反法律、行政法规及本办法规定的,中国保监会应与其相关高级管理人员和主要业务人员监管谈话或者进行质询;情节严重的,可依法给予行政处罚。

  第六十五条 保险机构投资债券违反法律、行政法规及本办法规定的,中国保监会将限制债券投资范围,或者暂停其债券投资资格,并根据有关法规予以相应处罚。

  第七章 附 则

  第六十六条 外国保险公司在中国境内设立的分公司,本办法视同境内保险机构法人管理。

  第六十七条 本办法由中国保监会负责解释,此前与本办法规定不一致的,以本办法为准。

  第六十八条 本办法自发布之日起执行。

Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Printing and Distributing the Notice on the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Bond Investments of Insurance Institutional Investors1
Promulgation2 date: 08-17-2005
Effective date: 08-17-2005
  (No. 72 [2005] of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission)

All insurance companies and insurance asset management companies:

  In order to strengthen the administration of bond investments, diversify3 investment products, optimize4 the asset structure, effectively disperse5 risks and enhance the asset quality, this Commission has formulated7 the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Bond Investments of Insurance Institutional Investors (hereinafter referred to as the Measures) in accordance with the requirements of insurance fund investments and the bond market. These Measures are hereby printed and distributed to you, and the relevant matters are notified as follows:

  I. It is imperative8 to adhere to the principle of matching asset-liability with management and to freely allocate9 bond assets according to the strategic asset allocation plan, investment strategies and supervisory standards formulated by the CIRC, so as to obtain long-term and stable investment yields.

  II. Efforts should be made to strengthen the study of credit risks, establish the appraisal10 system of bond credit risks, timely conduct continuous and follow-up analysis and appraisal of the credit standing11 of bonds, and based thereon, make scientific decisions and prudent12 investments and practically preventing credit risks.

  III. Efforts should be made to perfect the risk control system of bond investment, formulate6 scientific and rigorous business operational procedures and guarantee the safety and high efficiency of bond investments.

  IV. It is imperative to think highly of the administration of bond investments and seriously implement13 the relevant provisions of the Measures. The CIRC will check the implementation14 of all insurance institutions.

  Please earnestly implement the above-mentioned Notice.

  August 17, 2005

Provisional Measures for the Administration of Bond Investments of Insurance Institutional Investors

  Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1 These Measures are formulated according to the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations for the purposes of strengthening the administration of bond investments, diversifying15 investment products, optimizing16 the asset structure, effectively dispersing17 risks and enhancing the asset quality.

  Article 2 The term "insurance institutional investors" (hereinafter referred to as insurance institutions) as mentioned in these Measures refers to those insurance companies and insurance asset management companies that are established and registered upon approval of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CIRC) and are engaged in bond investments. These Measures shall apply to the bond investments of insurance group companies and insurance holding companies.

  Article 3 The term "bonds" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the Renminbi bonds and foreign currency bonds issued within the territory of China by all kinds of issuers.

  Article 4 An insurance company can invest in bonds, which include the government bonds, financial bonds, enterprise (company) bonds and other bonds issued upon approval of the relevant department.

  Article 5 An insurance company shall, according to the requirements of matching assets with debts and the supervisory standards of the CIRC, formulate the strategic asset allocation plans and investment strategies, allocate bond assets on its own initiative, and bear risks, profits and losses by itself.

  Article 6 An insurance company shall, according to the relevant provisions of the CIRC, entrust18 a third party for the independent custody19 of bond assets.

  Article 7 The CIRC shall be responsible for the formulation of policies and provisions on the administration of bond investments of insurance institutions, timely adjustment of bond investment products and proportion, as well as the supervision20 and administration of investment activities.

  Chapter II Government Bond Investments

  Article 8 In case an insurance institution invests in government bonds, it may, according to the requirements about asset allocation and investment strategies, freely determine the proportion of total investment and the proportion of each investment and keep a certain proportion of government bonds.

  Chapter III Financial Bond Investments

  Article 9 The financial bonds as invested in by an insurance institution include the central bank bills, financial bonds of policy banks, subordinated bonds of policy banks, financial bonds of commercial banks, subordinated bonds of commercial banks, subordinated term debts of commercial banks, subordinated term debts of insurance companies and Renminbi bonds of international development institutions, etc……

  Section I Central Bank Bills

  Article 10 In case an insurance institution invests in the central bank bills, it may, according to the requirements about asset allocation and investment strategies, freely determine the proportion of total investment and the proportion of each investment.

  Section II Financial Bonds and Subordinated Bonds of Policy Banks

  Article 11 The financial bonds of policy banks invested in by an insurance institution shall be the financial bonds that are issued by policy banks in the national inter-bank bond market according to the Measures for the Administration of the Issuance of Financial Bonds in the National Inter-bank Bond Market (hereinafter referred to as the Measures for the Administration) and upon approval of the People's Bank of China.

  The subordinated bonds of policy banks as invested in by an insurance institution shall be the subordinated bonds that are issued by policy banks in the national inter-bank bond market according to the Measures for the Administration of the Issuance of Subordinated Bonds of Commercial Banks (hereinafter referred to as the Measures for Subordinated Bonds), after passing the qualification examination of the China Banking21 Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CBRC) and upon approval of the People's Bank of China.

  Article 12 The financial bonds and subordinated bonds of policy banks as invested in by an insurance institution may be exempt22 from credit rating.

  Article 13 In case an insurance institution invests in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of policy banks, it may, according to the requirements about asset allocation and investment strategies, freely determine the proportion of total investment and the proportion of each investment.

  Article 14 In case an insurance institution invests in the financial bonds of policy banks issued towards particular investors or the privately23 issued subordinated bonds, the conditions for issuers and the bond credit rating shall be implemented24 according to Articles 11 and 12 of these Measures. The balance of investment in the above-mentioned bonds shall be calculated into the balance of financial bonds and subordinated bonds of policy banks, and the proportion of total investment and the proportion of each investment shall be implemented according to Article 13 of these Measures.

  Section III Financial Bonds and Subordinated Bonds of Commercial Banks

  Article 15 As to the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks invested in by an insurance institution, their issuer shall, in addition to the Measures for the Administration, the Measures for Subordinated Bonds and other relevant provisions as set down by the People's Bank of China and the CBRC, meet the following conditions:

  (1)Its total assets are no less than RMB 200 billion yuan;

  (2)Its core capital adequacy ratio is no less than 4 %;

  (3)It has a favorable balance for recent three years;

  (4)It is appraised25 as the long-term credit rating of Class A or a level higher than Class A by a domestic credit rating institution;

  (5)It is listed overseas and free of domestic credit rating, and is appraised by an international credit rating institution as the long-term credit rating of Class BB or a level higher than Class BB;

  (6)It has timely, sufficiently26, accurately27 and completely disclosed relevant information, which at least includes the total amount of assets, total amount of debts, owners' equities28, turnover29, net profits, yield ratio of average equities, ratio of non-performing loans, ratio of doubtful and bad debts, capital adequacy ratio and other indicators30 and data; and

  (7)Other conditions as prescribed by the CIRC.

  In case an issuer simultaneously31 has the domestic credit rating and international credit rating as mentioned in Items (4) and (5) of the preceding paragraph, the domestic credit rating shall prevail.

  Article 16 In case an insurance institution invests in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks, the issuer of the aforesaid bonds shall be appraised by a domestic credit rating institution as the long-term credit rating of Class A or a level higher than Class A.

  Article 17 In case an insurance institution invests in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds with guarantee, the credit standing of the guarantor may not be lower than the credit rating of the issuer.

  Article 18 The financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks invested in by an insurance company shall accord with the following provisions in regard to the proportion:

  (1)The balance of investment in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks may not exceed 30% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (2)The sum of the balance of investment in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of a same commercial bank may not exceed 10% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter;

  (3)The portion of investment in a single type of financial bonds or subordinated bonds of commercial banks appraised as the long-term credit rating of Class AA or a level higher than Class AA at a same term may not exceed 20% of the amount of issuance of the aforesaid single type at the aforesaid same term, and the balance may not exceed 5% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter; and

  (4)The portion of investment in a single type of financial bonds or subordinated bonds of commercial banks appraised as the long-term credit rating of Class A or a level higher than Class A at a same term may not exceed 10% of the amount of issuance of the aforesaid single type at the aforesaid same term, and the balance may not exceed 3% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter.

  Article 19 In case an insurance institution invests in the financial bonds of commercial banks issued towards particular investors or the privately issued subordinated bonds, the conditions for issuers and the bond credit rating shall be implemented according to Articles 15, 16 and 17 of these Measures. The balance of investment in the above-mentioned bonds shall be incorporated into the balance of financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks, and the proportion of total investment and the proportion of each investment shall be determined33 according to Article 18 of these Measures.

  Section IV Subordinated Term Debts of Commercial Banks

  Article 20 The subordinated term debts of commercial banks as invested in by an insurance institution shall be the subordinated term debts that are issued by state-owned commercial banks or national joint34 stock commercial banks according to the Notice on Including Subordinated Term Debts into the Attached Capital and the Measures for Subordinated Bonds and upon approval of the CBRC.

  As to the subordinated term debts of commercial banks invested in by an insurance institution, their issuer and the subordinated term debts shall accord with Articles 15 and 16 of these Measures.

  Article 21 The subordinated term debts of commercial banks as invested in by an insurance company shall accord with the following provisions in regard to the proportion:

  (1)The balance of investment in the subordinated term bonds of commercial banks may not exceed 8% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (2)The sum of the balance of investment in the subordinated term bonds of a same bank may not exceed 5% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter; and

  (3)The portion of investment in a single type of subordinated term bonds of commercial banks at a same term may not exceed 10% of the amount of issuance of the aforesaid single type at the aforesaid term, and the balance may not exceed 3% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter.

  Article 22 The term of subordinated term debts of commercial banks as invested in by an insurance company may not exceed six years.

  Section V Subordinated Term Debts of Insurance Companies

  Article 23 The subordinated term debts of insurance companies as invested in by an insurance institution shall be the subordinated term debts that are raised from targeted sources by insurance companies according to the Interim35 Measures for the Administration of Subordinated Term Debts of Insurance Companies and upon approval of the CIRC.

  Article 24 The subordinated term debts of insurance companies as invested in by an insurance institution shall accord with the following provisions in regard to the proportion:

  (1)The balance of investment in the subordinated term bonds of insurance companies may notexceed 20% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (2)The sum of the balance of investment in the subordinated term bonds of a same insurance company may not exceed 4% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter; and

  (3)The portion of investment in the subordinated term bonds of insurance companies at a same term may not exceed 20% of the issuance amount of subordinated term bonds of insurance companies at the above-mentioned term, and the balance may not exceed 1% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter.

  Article 25 In case an insurance institution has any of the following relations with an insurance company that raises subordinated term debts from targeted sources, the insurance institution may not invest in the subordinated term debts raised by the above-mentioned insurance company from targeted sources:

  (1)The insurance institution is controlled by the insurance company;

  (2)The insurance institution controls the insurance company; or

  (3)Both the insurance institution and the insurance company are controlled by a same third party.

  Section VI Renminbi Bonds of International Development Institutions

  Article 26 The Renminbi bonds of international development institutions invested in by an insurance institution shall be the Renminbi bonds that are issued by international development institutions according to the Interim Measures for the Administration of the Issuance of Renminbi Bonds by International Development Institutions after passing the examination of the relevant department and upon the approval of the State Council.

  Article 27 In case an insurance institution invests in Renminbi bonds of international development institutions, it may, according to the requirements about asset allocation and investment strategies, freely determine the proportion of total investment and the proportion of each investment.

  Chapter IV Enterprise (Company) Bond Investments

  Article 28 In case an insurance institution invests in short-term financing bonds or convertible36 company bonds, it shall be governed by the provisions on the enterprise (company) bond investments.

  Section I Enterprise (Company) Bonds

  Article 29 As to the enterprise (company) bonds invested in by an insurance institution, their issuer shall, in addition to the relevant provisions of the state, satisfy the following requirements:

  (1)Its net assets at the end of last year shall not be lower than RMB 2 billion yuan;

  (2)It has a favorable balance for recent three fiscal37 years;

  (3)It shall provide the audited38 financial statements for recent three fiscal years in good time;

  (4)The balance of enterprise (company) bonds to be compensated39 may not exceed 40% of its net assets of the latest fiscal year;

  (5)The credit standing of the guarantor shall not be lower than the credit rating of the issuer;

  (6)The legal opinions about information disclosure as issued by practicing lawyers shall be provided in good time;

  (7)It shall timely disclose the financial information, which includes the total amount of assets, total amount of debts, revenues of main businesses, asset-liability ratio, EBITDA/interests, quick ratio, yield rate of shareholders40' equities, other indicators and data; and

  (8)Other conditions as prescribed by the CIRC.

  Article 30 The enterprise (company) bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall be appraised by an international credit rating institution as the long-term credit rating of Class AA or a level higher than Class AA.

  Article 31 The enterprise (company) bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall accord with the following provisions in regard to the proportion:

  (1)The balance of investment in the enterprise (company) bonds shall not exceed 30% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (2)The sum of the balance of investment in the enterprise (company) bonds of a same enterprise (company) may not exceed 10% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter;

  (3)If the guarantor accords with any of the following conditions and provides the guarantee of irrevocable joint and several liabilities, the portion of investment in a single type of enterprise (company) bonds at a same term may not exceed 20% of the amount of issuance at the above-mentioned term, and the balance may not exceed 5% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter:

  a. A financial institution that is appraised by a domestic credit rating institution as the credit rating of Class AA or a level higher than Class AA for the last year;

  b. A special fund of the state such as the Railway Construction Fund or the Construction Fund of Three-Gorges Project; or

  c. A non-financial enterprise whose net assets are RMB20 billion yuan or more for the last year.

  (4)If the guarantor or the mode of guarantee does not accord with the conditions or provisions as listed in Item (3) of this Article, the portion of investment in a single type of enterprise (company) bonds at a same term may not exceed 10% of the amount of issuance at the above-mentioned term, and the balance may not exceed 3% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter.

  Article 32 The provisions for insurance institutions to invest in the enterprise (company) bonds without guarantee shall be separately formulated by the CIRC.

  Section II Convertible Company Bonds

  Article 33 The convertible company bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall, in addition to meeting the relevant provisions of the state, accord with the following requirements:

  (1)The credit standing of the guarantor shall not be lower than the credit rating of the issuer of bonds; and

  (2)The specific debt discharging plans and the guarantee contract shall be provided.

  Article 34 The convertible company bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall accord with the following provisions in regard to the proportion:

  (1)The balance of investment in the convertible company bonds, the balance calculated into the enterprise (company) bonds or the sum of the balance may not exceed 30% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (2)The sum of the balance of investment in the convertible company bonds of a same enterprise (company) and the balance calculated into the bonds of a same enterprise (company) may not exceed 10% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter, where the balance of convertible company bonds may not exceed 5% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (3)If the guarantor accords with any of the following conditions, the portion of investment in a single type of convertible company bonds at a same term may not exceed 20% of the amount of issuance at the above-mentioned term, and the balance may not exceed 3% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter;

  a. A financial institution that is appraised by a domestic credit rating institution as the credit rating of Class AA or a level higher than Class AA for the last year; or

  b. An enterprise whose net assets are RMB20 million yuan or more for the last year.

  (4)If the guarantor does not accord with the conditions as listed in Item (3) of this Article, the portion of investment in a single type of convertible company bonds at a same term may not exceed 10% of the amount of issuance at the above-mentioned term, and the balance may not exceed 1% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter.

  Article 35 In case an insurance institution converts the convertible company bonds that it invests in into stocks, the conversion41 shall be governed by the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Stock Investments of Insurance Institutional Investors (hereinafter referred to as the Measures for Stock Investments).

  Section III Short-term Financing Bonds

  Article 36 The short-term financing bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall be the short-term financing bonds that are issued in the national inter-bank bond market by non-financial enterprises according to the Measures for the Administration of Short-term Financing Bonds and after be reported to the People's Bank of China for archival purposes.

  Article 37 As to the short-term financing bonds as invested in by an insurance institution, their issuer shall, in addition to satisfying the requirements as set down in the Measures for the Administration of Short-term Financing Bond, meet the following requirements:

  (1)Its net assets at the end of last year shall not be lower than RMB 2 billion yuan;

  (2)It has a favorable balance for recent two fiscal years;

  (3)The balance of short-term financing bonds to be compensated may not exceed 40% of its net assets of the latest fiscal year;

  (4)It has timely disclosed the financial information, which at least includes the total amount of assets, total amount of debts, revenues of main businesses, asset-liability ratio, EBITDA/interests, quick ratio, yield rate of shareholders' equities, other indicators and data; and

  (5)Other conditions as prescribed by the CIRC.

  Article 38 The credit rating of short-term financing bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall accord with the following conditions:

  (1)Being appraised by a domestic credit rating institution as the credit rating of Class A-1 or a level higher than Class A-1; and

  (2)As to a listed company that is exempt from the credit rating under the Measures for the Administration of Short-term Financing Bonds, its credit rating and follow-up rating for recent three years shall satisfy either of the following conditions:

  a. Being appraised by a domestic credit rating institution as the long-term credit rating of Class AA or a level higher than Class AA;

  b. Being appraised by an international credit rating institution as the long-term credit rating of Class BBB or a level higher than Class BBB.

  In case an issuer simultaneously has the domestic credit rating and international credit rating, the domestic credit rating shall prevail.

  Article 39 The short-term financing bonds as invested in by an insurance institution shall accord with the following provisions in regard to the proportion:

  (1)The balance of investment in the short-term financing bonds, the balance calculated into the enterprise (company) bonds or the sum of the balance may not exceed 30% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price. Where the balance of short-term financing bonds may not exceed 10% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price;

  (2)The sum of the balance of investment in the short-term financing bonds of a same enterprise (company) and the balance calculated into the bonds of a same enterprise (company) may not exceed 10% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter as calculated at the cost price, where the balance of short-term financing bonds may not exceed 3% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter; and

  (3)The portion of investment in a single type of short-term financing bonds at a same term may not exceed 10% of the amount of issuance at the above-mentioned term, and the balance may not exceed 3% of the total assets of the aforesaid insurance institution at the end of last quarter.

  Chapter V Risk Control

  Article 40 An insurance company shall, according to the requirements as set down in the Guidelines for Risk Control in the Utilization42 of Insurance Funds, establish a perfect risk control system of bond investment, formulate scientific, rigorous and high-efficiency business operational procedures and report them to the CIRC for archival purposes.

  Article 41 The custodian43 of bond assets as selected by an insurance institution shall be a commercial bank or any other professional financial institution in line with the conditions as set down in the Measures for Stock Investments.

  Article 42 The contents of the bond custody agreement entered into between an insurance institution and a custodian, the duties and obligations of the custodian as well as the supervision and administration of the custodian shall be governed by the relevant provisions as set down in the Guidelines for the Custody of Stock Assets of Insurance Companies (for Trial Implementation).

  Article 43 An insurance institution shall strengthen the risk management of bond investment, properly arrange the term structure, allocation of bond types, credit distribution and liquidity44 requirements of bond investment portfolio45, carry out follow-up administration of the capital quality, level of yields, risk nature, harms of risks and occurrence frequency of bond investments, regularly analyze46 and evaluate the policy risk, credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk, and control the overall risks of bond investments within the endurable range.

  Article 44 An insurance institution shall establish an appraisal system of credit risks of bond issuers and bonds, carry out continuous and follow-up appraisal of the credit standing of the bond issuer and bonds, and take them as an important basis for making decisions in regard to bond investments.

  Article 45 An insurance institution shall, according to the credit standing of the bond issuer, the risk degree of bonds and the supervisory standards of the CIRC, specify47 the investment quota48, and adjust the investment quota regularly or do so when the credit standing of the bond issuer is changed.

  Article 46 In case an insurance institution invests in various bonds (excluding government bonds, central bank bills, financial bonds of policy banks or subordinated bonds of policy banks) issued or guaranteed by a same issuer, the sum of the balance of aforesaid various bonds may not exceed 20% of the total assets of the above-mentioned insurance institution at the end of the previous quarter as calculated at the cost price.

  Article 47 In case an insurance institution opens an investment account for investment-linked insurance products, the proportion of investment in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks and the enterprise (company) bonds may not exceed 100% of the total assets of the above-mentioned account at the end of the previous quarter.

  In case an insurance institution opens an investment account for universal life insurance products, the proportion of investment in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks and the enterprise (company) bonds may not exceed 80% of the total assets of the above-mentioned account at the end of the previous quarter.

  In case an insurance institution opens an independent assessment49 account for other insurance products, the proportion of investment in the financial bonds and subordinated bonds of commercial banks and the enterprise (company) bonds may not exceed the specific proportion as stipulated50 in the insurance clause and the relevant provisions as prescribed by the CIRC.

  Article 48 In regard to the bonds as invested in by an insurance institution, when the latest follow-up credit rating is lowered, the insurance institution shall, according to the relevant provisions as set down by the CIRC, formulate the adjustment measures and adjust the above-mentioned bond investments to the prescribed proportion within the time limit.

  Article 49 In case the issuer of the bonds as invested in by an insurance institution is under any of the following circumstances, the insurance institution shall stop investing in the bonds that are newly or already issued by the above-mentioned issuer, and shall properly dispose of the bonds it holds:

  (1)The latest information shows that the issuer does not meet the conditions as provided for in these Measures;

  (2)The issuer cannot pay the principal or interests in time;

  (3)The issuer cannot timely, sufficiently, accurately or completely disclose the relevant information according to the relevant provisions;

  (4)The issuer cannot carry out the follow-up credit rating according to the provisions; or

  (5)The issuer falls to meet any other condition as prescribed by the CIRC.

  Article 50 In case an insurance company carries out bond buy-back transactions, it shall effectively control the buy-back scale and evade51 the liquidity risk.

  In case an insurance company carries out the bond transactions or buy-back transactions at the seat of a securities institution, it shall verify the balance of standard bonds and the conditions on the buy-back of undue52 bonds every day, and avoid the occupation and appropriation53 of bonds and capital.

  In case an insurance company carries out bond buy-back transactions in the inter-bank bond market, it shall, according to the relevant provisions of the CIRC, determine the standards for selecting bargaining counterparts, and the buy-back financing quota shall not be higher than the fair market price of the aforesaid bonds under mortgage, so as to avoid credit risk, market risk and moral risk.

  Article 51 In case an insurance company entrusts54 several investment management institutions for bond investments, the sum of the balance of bond investments shall not exceed the investment proportion as prescribed by the CIRC.

  Article 52 In case an insurance assets management company is entrusted55 for managing the bond assets of several insurance companies and other institutions, it shall fairly and equitably56 manage the bond assets according to the asset collocation requirements of those insurance companies and other institutions.

  The total investment proportion of self-owned capital and the capital managed by entrustment57 of an insurance assets management company in the same investment channel and the investment proportion of a single investment target shall be separately calculated.

  Article 53 In case an insurance company selects the seat of a securities institution for bond transactions, the above-mentioned securities institution shall accord with the conditions as provided for in the Measures for Stock Investments.

  Article 54 An insurance company shall conclude a brokerage agreement with the head office of a securities institution, the said agreement shall at least state the obligations of the securities institution as provided for in the Measures for Stock Investments. In case the securities institution violates the relevant obligations, the CIRC shall request the insurance institution to change the securities institution, and the insurance company has the right to terminate the above-mentioned agreement in advance.

  Article 55 The capital appropriation or fee payment between an insurance institution and a custodian of bond assets, or the fee payment between an insurance institution and a securities institution shall be conducted by way of account transfer.

  Article 56 An insurance institution may not commit any of the following acts with a securities institution or any other non-insurance institution:

  (1)leasing or lending any kind of bond under its custody;

  (2)entering into any entrusted bond investment agreement;

  (3)directly and illegally transferring profits or doing so in any disguised form, or conducting profit transfer by any other means for seeking for improper58 interests; or

  (4)any other act as prohibited by any law or administrative59 regulation or by the CIRC.

  Chapter VI Supervision and Administration

  Article 57 Where securities institution rents any seat to an insurance institution, it shall provide documents and materials that meet the conditions as provided for in the Measures for Stock Investments as well as a letter of commitment, promising60 to perform its duties and responsibilities to the CIRC, which shall conduct assessment and issue its review opinions in terms of assets scale, corporate32 governance, internal control, credit standing, research capability61 and market status, etc……

  Article 58 An insurance institution that opens a securities account or rents a seat shall submit an Application Form for Securities Accounts or an Application Form for Seats to the CIRC, and go through the relevant formalities after obtaining a letter of confirmation62 issued by the department for overseeing the insurance fund management under the CIRC.

  Article 59 An insurance institution shall, according to the provisions, submit the following statements, reports or other matters to the CIRC:

  (1)statements about the bond investment;

  (2)explanations about the calculation methods of risk indicators and the conditions on the use thereof;

  (3)duplicates of the bond custody agreement and the bond brokerage agreement concluded with the custodian and the securities institution respectively; and

  (4)other matters that should be reported as required by the CIRC.

  Article 60 The CIRC shall, regularly or irregularly, inspect the risk control systems, business operational procedures and credit risk appraisal systems for bond investments of insurance institutions, or may employ auditing63 firms or other intermediary institutions to inspect the bond investments of insurance institutions.

  Article 61 The CIRC shall be responsible for examining and approving the credit rating institutions for the insurance institutions that may invest in bonds, and the relevant provisions thereof shall be separately formulated. Prior to the promulgation of new provisions, the credit rating institutions as mentioned in these Measures shall be governed by the provisions on the credit rating institutions of enterprise bonds as approved by the CIRC.

  Article 62 The relevant provisions for insurance institutions to invest in the asset-backed securities, financial bonds issued by non-bank financial institutions, short-term financing bonds issued by financial institutions and other financial products shall be separately formulated by the CIRC.

  Article 63 The relevant provisions for insurance institutions to take part in the bond forward transactions or the transactions of derivative64 products shall be separately formulated by the CIRC.

  Article 64 In case an insurance institution violates any of the laws, administrative regulations or these Measures when investing in bonds, the CIRC shall talk with or inquiry65 the senior managerial personnel concerned and main business operators; if the circumstance is serious, the CIRC shall give administrative sanctions to them.

  Article 65 In case an insurance institution violates any of the laws, administrative regulations or these Measures when investing in bonds, the CIRC shall restrict the scope of its bond investments or suspend its bond investment qualification and give corresponding punishments to it pursuant to the relevant laws.

  Chapter VII Supplementary66 Provisions

  Article 66 Any branch established within the territory of China by a foreign insurance company shall be treated as a domestic insurance institutional legal person under these Measures.

  Article 67 The power to interpret these Measures shall remain with the CIRC. In case any provision promulgated67 heretofore conflicts with these Measures, the latter shall prevail.

  Article 68 These Measures shall come into force as of the day of promulgation


1 investors dffc64354445b947454450e472276b99     
n.投资者,出资者( investor的名词复数 )
  • a con man who bilked investors out of millions of dollars 诈取投资者几百万元的骗子
  • a cash bonanza for investors 投资者的赚钱机会
2 promulgation d84236859225737e91fa286907f9879f     
  • The new law comes into force from the day of its promulgation. 新法律自公布之日起生效。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Article 118 These Regulations shall come into effect from the day of their promulgation. 第一百一十八条本条例自公布之日起实施。 来自经济法规部分
3 diversify m8gyt     
  • Our company is trying to diversify.我们公司正力图往多样化方面发展。
  • Hills and woods diversify the landscape.山陵和树木点缀景色。
4 optimize WIoxY     
v.使优化 [=optimise]
  • We should optimize the composition of the Standing Committees.优化人大常委会组成人员的结构。
  • We should optimize our import mix and focus on bringing in advanced technology and key equipment.优化进口结构,着重引进先进技术和关键设备。
5 disperse ulxzL     
  • The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。
  • The children disperse for the holidays.孩子们放假了。
6 formulate L66yt     
  • He took care to formulate his reply very clearly.他字斟句酌,清楚地做了回答。
  • I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas.他陈述观点的方式让我印象深刻。
7 formulated cfc86c2c7185ae3f93c4d8a44e3cea3c     
v.构想出( formulate的过去式和过去分词 );规划;确切地阐述;用公式表示
  • He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position. 他声称该作家从未有意识地阐明他自己的理论见解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This idea can be formulated in two different ways. 这个意思可以有两种说法。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
8 imperative BcdzC     
  • He always speaks in an imperative tone of voice.他老是用命令的口吻讲话。
  • The events of the past few days make it imperative for her to act.过去这几天发生的事迫使她不得不立即行动。
9 allocate ILnys     
  • You must allocate the money carefully.你们必须谨慎地分配钱。
  • They will allocate fund for housing.他们将拨出经费建房。
10 appraisal hvFzt     
  • What's your appraisal of the situation?你对局势是如何评估的?
  • We need to make a proper appraisal of his work.对于他的工作我们需要做出适当的评价。
11 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
12 prudent M0Yzg     
  • A prudent traveller never disparages his own country.聪明的旅行者从不贬低自己的国家。
  • You must school yourself to be modest and prudent.你要学会谦虚谨慎。
13 implement WcdzG     
  • Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
14 implementation 2awxV     
  • Implementation of the program is now well underway.这一项目的实施现在行情看好。
15 diversifying a1f291117de06530378940b8720bea5e     
v.使多样化,多样化( diversify的现在分词 );进入新的商业领域
  • Some publishers are now diversifying into software. 有些出版社目前正兼营软件。 来自辞典例句
  • Silverlit is diversifying into new markets, such as Russia and Eastern Europe. Silverlit正在使他们的市场变得多样化,开发新的市场如俄罗斯和东欧国家。 来自互联网
16 optimizing 56a2ad080ec9d3c4cf573c347d6de828     
v.使最优化,使尽可能有效( optimize的现在分词 );最佳化;寻优
  • This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model. 这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。 来自辞典例句
  • Need to design crossover operator rationally while optimizing ANN. 优化网络需要合理设计交叉算子。 来自互联网
17 dispersing dispersing     
adj. 分散的 动词disperse的现在分词形式
  • Whereas gasoline fumes linger close to the ground before dispersing. 而汽油烟气却靠近地面迟迟不散。
  • Earthworms may be instrumental in dispersing fungi or bacteria. 蚯蚓可能是散布真菌及细菌的工具。
18 entrust JoLxh     
  • I couldn't entrust my children to strangers.我不能把孩子交给陌生人照看。
  • They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.可以委托他们解决重大国家问题。
19 custody Qntzd     
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。
  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.抢劫案发生后,他立即被押了起来。
20 supervision hr6wv     
  • The work was done under my supervision.这项工作是在我的监督之下完成的。
  • The old man's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer.老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自监督下执行的。
21 banking aySz20     
  • John is launching his son on a career in banking.约翰打算让儿子在银行界谋一个新职位。
  • He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.他具有广博的银行业务知识。
22 exempt wmgxo     
  • These goods are exempt from customs duties.这些货物免征关税。
  • He is exempt from punishment about this thing.关于此事对他已免于处分。
23 privately IkpzwT     
  • Some ministers admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.一些部长私下承认失业率可能继续升高。
  • The man privately admits that his motive is profits.那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。
24 implemented a0211e5272f6fc75ac06e2d62558aff0     
v.实现( implement的过去式和过去分词 );执行;贯彻;使生效
  • This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper. 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented. 如果不实施影响深远的改革,经济就面临崩溃的危险。 来自辞典例句
25 appraised 4753e1eab3b5ffb6d1b577ff890499b9     
v.估价( appraise的过去式和过去分词 );估计;估量;评价
  • The teacher appraised the pupil's drawing. 老师评价了那个学生的画。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He appraised the necklace at £1000. 据他估计,项链价值1000英镑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
26 sufficiently 0htzMB     
  • It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.原来他没有给房屋投足保险。
  • The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.新政策充分灵活地适用两种观点。
27 accurately oJHyf     
  • It is hard to hit the ball accurately.准确地击中球很难。
  • Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。
28 equities 501c457a1f918a4b41824052f5a3f5eb     
  • These are invested mainly in the OECD bonds and equities. 这些资产主要投资于经济合作及发展组织的债券与股票市场。
  • They are also advantage of the global rebound in equities. 它们还在利用全球股市反弹的机会。
29 turnover nfkzmg     
  • The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover.这家商店实行大减价以迅速周转资金。
  • Our turnover actually increased last year.去年我们的营业额竟然增加了。
30 indicators f46872fc1b5f08e9d32bd107be1df829     
(仪器上显示温度、压力、耗油量等的)指针( indicator的名词复数 ); 指示物; (车辆上的)转弯指示灯; 指示信号
  • The economic indicators are better than expected. 经济指标比预期的好。
  • It is still difficult to develop indicators for many concepts used in social science. 为社会科学领域的许多概念确立一个指标仍然很难。
31 simultaneously 4iBz1o     
  • The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.雷达波几乎可以同时追着多个目标。
  • The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.Windows允许计算机用户同时运行多个程序。
32 corporate 7olzl     
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
33 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
34 joint m3lx4     
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
35 interim z5wxB     
  • The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need.政府正在采取临时措施帮助那些有立即需要的人。
  • It may turn out to be an interim technology.这可能只是个过渡技术。
36 convertible aZUyK     
  • The convertible sofa means that the apartment can sleep four.有了这张折叠沙发,公寓里可以睡下4个人。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了。
37 fiscal agbzf     
  • The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy.增税是一项重要的财政政策。
  • The government has two basic strategies of fiscal policy available.政府有两个可行的财政政策基本战略。
38 audited 046f25df2e99a79dbb3462bbbfa35bf2     
v.审计,查账( audit的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The accounts have to be audited by a firm of external auditors. 这些账目必须由一家外聘审计员的公司来稽查。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • E. g. few if any charities collection publishes audited accounts. 例如很少义款收集有公布经过查核的帐目。 来自互联网
39 compensated 0b0382816fac7dbf94df37906582be8f     
补偿,报酬( compensate的过去式和过去分词 ); 给(某人)赔偿(或赔款)
  • The marvelous acting compensated for the play's weak script. 本剧的精彩表演弥补了剧本的不足。
  • I compensated his loss with money. 我赔偿他经济损失。
40 shareholders 7d3b0484233cf39bc3f4e3ebf97e69fe     
n.股东( shareholder的名词复数 )
  • The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. 90%的股东出席了会议。
  • the company's fiduciary duty to its shareholders 公司对股东负有的受托责任
41 conversion UZPyI     
  • He underwent quite a conversion.他彻底变了。
  • Waste conversion is a part of the production process.废物处理是生产过程的一个组成部分。
42 utilization Of0zMC     
  • Computer has found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields.电子计算机已越来越广泛地在各个领域得到应用。
  • Modern forms of agricultural utilization,have completely refuted this assumption.现代农业利用形式,完全驳倒了这种想象。
43 custodian 7mRyw     
  • Benitez believes his custodian is among the top five in world football.贝尼特斯坚信他的门将是当今足坛最出色的五人之一。
  • When his father died his uncle became his legal custodian.他父亲死后,他叔叔成了他的法定监护人。
44 liquidity VRXzb     
  • The bank has progressively increased its liquidity.银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
  • The demand for and the supply of credit is closely linked to changes in liquidity.信用的供求和流动资金的变化有密切关系。
45 portfolio 9OzxZ     
  • He remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio.他因为她带着一个大公文包而记住了她。
  • He resigned his portfolio.他辞去了大臣职务。
46 analyze RwUzm     
vt.分析,解析 (=analyse)
  • We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.我们应该分析这场事变的因果。
  • The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师设法分析我们失败的原因。
47 specify evTwm     
  • We should specify a time and a place for the meeting.我们应指定会议的时间和地点。
  • Please specify what you will do.请你详述一下你将做什么。
48 quota vSKxV     
  • A restricted import quota was set for meat products.肉类产品设定了进口配额。
  • He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running.他一连两个月超额完成生产指标。
49 assessment vO7yu     
  • This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价。
  • What is your assessment of the situation?你对时局的看法如何?
50 stipulated 5203a115be4ee8baf068f04729d1e207     
vt.& vi.规定;约定adj.[法]合同规定的
  • A delivery date is stipulated in the contract. 合同中规定了交货日期。
  • Yes, I think that's what we stipulated. 对呀,我想那是我们所订定的。 来自辞典例句
51 evade evade     
  • He tried to evade the embarrassing question.他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。
  • You are in charge of the job.How could you evade the issue?你是负责人,你怎么能对这个问题不置可否?
52 undue Vf8z6V     
  • Don't treat the matter with undue haste.不要过急地处理此事。
  • It would be wise not to give undue importance to his criticisms.最好不要过分看重他的批评。
53 appropriation ON7ys     
  • Our government made an appropriation for the project.我们的政府为那个工程拨出一笔款项。
  • The council could note an annual appropriation for this service.议会可以为这项服务表决给他一笔常年经费。
54 entrusts a3ff4fbea64266c1bf9202c4dff54dce     
v.委托,托付( entrust的第三人称单数 )
  • It is the bank to which the seller entrusts the documents. 一方是托收银行,是受卖方的委托接收单据的银行。 来自互联网
  • Mr. Thomas entrusts the Bank of Paris to pay money to us. 托马斯先生委托巴黎银行向我们付款。 来自互联网
55 entrusted be9f0db83b06252a0a462773113f94fa     
v.委托,托付( entrust的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He entrusted the task to his nephew. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。
  • She was entrusted with the direction of the project. 她受委托负责这项计划。 来自《简明英汉词典》
56 equitably Ut7zg1     
  • We should equitably assess historical figures. 我们应该公正地评价历史人物。
  • Land was more equitably distributed. 土地得到更公平合理的分配。
57 entrustment 526b37b72a9ef9bd309909b523167da7     
  • The term of entrustment is divided into one-day five-day validity. 委托期限分为当日有效和五日有效。 来自互联网
  • Chapter three discusses the bureaucratic group and the congressional entrustment of legislation. 第三章讨论官僚集团与国会立法权的委托。 来自互联网
58 improper b9txi     
  • Short trousers are improper at a dance.舞会上穿短裤不成体统。
  • Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral.葬礼时大笑和开玩笑是不合适的。
59 administrative fzDzkc     
  • The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。
  • He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾。
60 promising BkQzsk     
  • The results of the experiments are very promising.实验的结果充满了希望。
  • We're trying to bring along one or two promising young swimmers.我们正设法培养出一两名有前途的年轻游泳选手。
61 capability JsGzZ     
  • She has the capability to become a very fine actress.她有潜力成为杰出演员。
  • Organizing a whole department is beyond his capability.组织整个部门是他能力以外的事。
62 confirmation ZYMya     
  • We are waiting for confirmation of the news.我们正在等待证实那个消息。
  • We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.给你们发送订购的货物之前,我们需要书面确认。
63 auditing JyVzib     
  • Auditing standards are the rules governing how an audit is performed.收支检查标准是规则统治一个稽核如何被运行。
  • The auditing services market is dominated by a few large accounting firms.审计服务市场被几家大型会计公司独占了。
64 derivative iwXxI     
  • His paintings are really quite derivative.他的画实在没有创意。
  • Derivative works are far more complicated.派生作品更加复杂。
65 inquiry nbgzF     
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
66 supplementary 0r6ws     
  • There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails.万一主水源断了,我们另外有供水的地方。
  • A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.附有索引的增补卷已经出版。
67 promulgated a4e9ce715ee72e022795b8072a6e618f     
v.宣扬(某事物)( promulgate的过去式和过去分词 );传播;公布;颁布(法令、新法律等)
  • Hence China has promulgated more than 30 relevant laws, statutes and regulations. 中国为此颁布的法律、法规和规章多达30余项。 来自汉英非文学 - 白皮书
  • The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code. 航运业对自律守则进行了宣传。 来自辞典例句