颁布日期:19900629 实施日期:19901001 颁布单位:巴黎
Rule VI Salvage1
(a) Expenditure2 incurred3 by the parties to the adventure in the natureof salvage, whether under contract or otherwise, shall be allowed ingeneral average provided that the salvage operations were carried out forthe purpose of preserving from peril4 the property involved in the commonmaritime adventure.
Expenditure allowed in general average shall include any salvageremuneration in which the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventingor minimizing damage to the environment such as is referred to in Art. 13paragraph 1 (b) of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989 have beentaken into account.
(b) Special compensation payable5 to a salvor by the shipowner underArt. 14 of the said Convention to the extent specified in paragraph 4 ofthat Article or under any other provision similar in substance shall notbe allowed in general average