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(Promulgated by Decree No. 185 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on October 28, 1995)
颁布日期:19951028  实施日期:19960101  颁布单位:国务院

  Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1 The present Regulations are formulated1 with a view to keeping the people's governments at different levels in close contact with the people, protecting the legitimate2 rights and interests of those who make letters of petition and preserving the order of administration of letters of petition.

  Article 2 The term “letter of petition” used in the present Regulations refers to the actions of a citizen, legal person or other organization who, through written correspondence, telephone or personal appearance with the people's government at various levels or departments under the people's government at the county level or above (herein after referred to as administrative4 organs at different levels) requests a situation report or submits an opinion, proposal or request which, according to law, should be dealt with by the relevant administrative organs.

  Article 3 The administrative organs at different levels shall properly handle letters of petition, carefully deal with letters, receive visitors, attend to the opinions, proposals and requests of the people, submit themselves to the supervision5 of the people and exert themselves to serve the people.

  Article 4 The work of handling letters of petition shall be done under the leadership of the people's government at different levels. It shall adhere to the principles of different responsibilities given to different levels, the handling of petitions under the proper jurisdiction6 with the relevant departments in charge being held responsible, settlement of matters in the fastest possible time and in the place closest to the occurrence and the combination of problem-resolution in accordance with the law with ideological7 education.

  Article 5 Chief leaders of administrative organs at different levels shall read and make comments or issue instructions concerning important letters of petition, receive important visitors, deliberate over and solve problems, make inspections8 and give instructions in work concerning letters of petition.

  Article 6 The people's governments at different levels from and above the county level, and their inferior departments shall, according to the principle of work competence9 and convenience for petition makers11, decide on the organization of institutions or personnel (hereinafter referred to as the petition working office) in charge of carrying out work concerning letters of petition and be specifically responsible for receiving and handling letters of petition.

  Chapter II Petition Maker10

  Article 7 “Petition maker” refers to any citizen, legal person or other organization who, through written correspondence, telephone or personal appearance with the administrative organs at different levels, makes a petition for a situation report, or submits an opinion, proposal or request.

  Article 8 The petition maker may present to administrative organs the following matters through petition correspondence:

  (1) Criticisms, proposals or requests with regards to an administrative organ or its personnel;

  (2) Accusations12 or exposures of offenses13 or negligence14 of duty of the administrative personnel;

  (3) Complaints against infringements15 of the rights or interests of the petition maker; and

  (4) Other matters.

  If the procedures for handling matters related to Item (2) or (3) of the preceding paragraph have been otherwise stipulated16 in other laws or administrative regulations, the petition maker should submit those matters according to the procedures prescribed by those corresponding laws or administrative regulations.

  Article 9 Matters which fall under the jurisdiction of the people's congress at different levels, the standing17 committee of the people's congress at or above the county level, the people's court or the people's procuratorate shall be submitted to the relevant people's congress and the standing committee thereof, the people's court or the people's procuratorate respectively.

  Article 10 Concerning the submission18 of matters, the petition maker shall appeal to the relevant administrative organ or its immediately superior organ which by law has the power to handle and make decisions concerning said matters.

  Article 11 The petition maker who chooses to submit an opinion, proposal or request through a personal appearance should do so at a reception site established or designated by the relevant administrative organ. Visiting petition makers may not blockade or attack state organs and may not intercept19 public vehicles.

  Article 12 In the event that a group of people wish to submit a common opinion, proposal or request, the petition shall generally be made by written correspondence or telephone. If said group of people choose to make the petition through personal appearance, they shall elect not more than five delegates to do so.

  Article 13 Petition makers shall present the true facts. They may not fabricate stories, distort facts or falsely accuse or frame other persons.

  Article 14 Petition makers shall follow the petition administration process. They may not interfere20 with the working order of state organs. They may not damage public or private property at the reception site, or harass21, insult, strike or threaten the personnel handling the reception. They may not take along with them to the reception site dangerous articles, explosives or controlled devices.

  Chapter III Acceptance of Petitions

  Article 15 Administrative organs at different levels shall, within the limits of their functions and powers, accept matters of petition as defined in Article 8 of the present Regulations.

  Article 16 If the petition maker submits matters defined in Article 9 of the present Regulations, the petition working office shall, in light of individual situations advise the petition maker to refer those matters to the corresponding people's congress and the standing committee thereof, the people's court or the people's procuratorate.

  For matters of petition that have been settled or should be settled through litigation, administrative reconsideration or arbitration22, the petition working office shall advise the petition maker to have those matters handled in accordance with the corresponding laws and administrative regulations.

  Article 17 For matters of petition that are relevant to two or more administrative organs, said administrative organs shall negotiate to solve the problem of acceptance. If a disagreement occurs, the organ to accept the matter of petition shall be decided23 by an immediately higher common administrative authority through coordination24.

  Article 18 If the administrative organ which should have accepted a matter of petition has been absorbed or dissolved, the matter shall then be accepted by the administrative organ which inherits the function and power of the former organ.

  Article 19 If the petition maker fails to comply with the stipulations in Article 10 of the present Regulations and appears in person directly to a higher administrative organ, the higher administrative organ shall advise the petition maker to submit the petition in accordance with the stipulations in Article 10 of the present Regulations. If the organ deems it necessary to accept the petition directly, it may do so.

  Article 20 If the petition working office discovers or suspects a visiting petition maker to be in factiously25 ill, the working office shall notify the local public health department of the situation, which shall handle the situation according to corresponding state regulations.

  Article 21 If the petition working office discovers that a petition maker is mentally ill, they shall advise his residential26 area, unit or guardian27 to take him back.

  If the mentally ill person is incapable28 of controlling his actions to the extent of disturbing the orderly work of the petition administration, the petition working office may request the local public security organ to take the patient away from the reception site and have him housed under care or returned to his place of residence in accordance with corresponding state regulations, or may advise the person's residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.

  Article 22 If the petition maker does not abide29 by the stipulations in Article 11 or 14 of the present Regulations to the extent of interfering30 with the orderly work of the petition administration, the petition working office may render an educational criticism of him. If that fails in effect, the office may request the local public security organ to escort him away from the reception site and have him housed under care or returned to his place of residence in accordance with corresponding state regulations, or may advise his residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.

  Article 23 If dangerous articles, explosives or controlled devices are taken to the reception site, the public security organ or the petition working office shall seize and confiscate31 them.

  Article 24 If a citizen, legal person or other organization discovers a petition matter of major importance or urgency which may have social repercussions32, they may report to the nearest administrative organ. Upon receipt of such a report, the local people's government at different levels shall immediately report the matter to the people's government at an immediately higher level and notify relevant responsible departments when necessary. The departments of the people's government at different levels at and above the county level, upon receipt of such a report, shall immediately report the matter to the people's government at the same level and the responsible department at the immediately higher level, and shall notify other relevant responsible departments when necessary. The concerned department of the State Council, upon receipt of the report, shall immediately report the matter to the State Council and notify relevant responsible departments when necessary.

  Article 25 For those petition matters of major importance or urgency which may have social repercussions, the relevant administrative organs shall, within the limits of their functions and powers, take legal measures to handle the situation in a resolute33 and decisive manner so as to prevent the occurrence or expansion of adverse34 social repercussions.

  Chapter IV Handling of Petitions

  Article 26 Administrative organs at different levels shall handle letters of petition in the following manner in compliance35 with their functions and limits of power, and in consideration of the nature of the petition:

  (1) Direct handling of those matters which, according to law, should be handled by the concerned administrative organ or are within the power of the administrative organ to handle;

  (2) Reporting the matter in due course to a higher administrative authority if, according to law, it should be handled by that authority;

  (3) Transferring the matter in due course to another administrative organ if, according to law, it should be handled by that administrative organ.

  Article 27 Administrative organs at different levels and their staffs shall be scrupulous36 in the discharge of their duties, impartial37 and in accordance with the law in handling matters, always ascertain38 the truth, identify liabilities, make correct persuasions39 and duly, properly and correctly settle matters. They may not shift responsibilities to others or do their work in a delayed or perfunctory manner.

  Article 28 If a staff member engaged in work concerning petitions has direct interests in the petition matter or concerning the petition maker, he shall avoid involvement in the handling of the petition matter.

  Article 29 In handling petition matters, administrative organs and their staff may not release or transfer any material concerning accusations, expositions or charges to the person or organization accused, exposed or charged.

  No organization or individual may suppress, retaliate40 against or persecute41 a petition maker.

  Article 30 Administrative organs at different levels shall settle within 30 days petition matters to be directly handled by that organ and shall advise the concerned petition maker of the result of the settlement in light of the particular circumstances. If the matter is complicated, the prescribed period may be extended properly.

  Article 31 Administrative organs at different levels shall settle within 90 days petition matters which have been assigned thereto and shall advise the authority that originally assigned the matter of the result of the settlement. If the matter cannot be settled within the prescribed period, an explanation should be presented to the authority which originally made the assignment.

  If the authority which issued the assignment considers the settlement of the assignment is not satisfactory, it may require reconsideration of the matter by the administrative organ which received the assignment.

  Article 32 The relevant administrative organ shall settle within 90 days petition matters which have been transferred thereto and shall advise the organization that originally made the transfer of the result according to the situation.

  Article 33 The petition maker or the relevant unit shall abide by and carry out the settlement decision that has been made by the relative administrative organ. If they reject the decision, they may within 30 days from receipt of the written decision ask the administrative organ which originally made the decision to review the decision unless they wish to request an administrative reconsideration or lodge42 an administrative suit according to laws or administrative regulations. The original administrative organ which made the settlement decision shall within 30 days from receipt of the request for review of the decision produce its opinion and give a reply.

  Article 34 If the settlement decision or opinion produced after review by the original organ is again rejected, the petition maker may within 30 days from receipt of the written settlement decision or the written opinions after review appeal to an immediately higher administrative organ for a review, and the latter shall propose opinions thereon within 30 days upon receipt of the application for review. If it is satisfied after review that the original settlement decision is correct, the matter may not be reconsidered any more.

  Article 35 If an administrative organ discovers that its settlement decision or review opinion on a petition matter was incorrect, it shall make the necessary corrections.

  If a higher administrative organ discovers that a lower administrative organ erred3 in the settlement or review of a petition matter, it has the authority to take over the matter for reconsideration or to instruct the lower administrative organ to make a new settlement.

  Article 36 Administrative organs at different levels shall duly analyze43 the social implications and the wishes of the masses reflected in a letter of petition and shall accordingly put forward suggestions for improvement of work.

  Chapter V Rewards and Punishments

  Article 37 Any office or individual who makes excellent achievements in work concerning letters of petition shall be conferred a reward by the relevant administrative organ.

  Article 38 Any petition maker who, by putting forward proposals or opinions, making accusations against or disclosing illegal activities makes contributions to the national economy and social development or to the improvement of the work of government offices or protection of the public interests shall be conferred a reward by the relevant administrative organ.

  Article 39 Any administrative organ which fails to discharge its duty, shifts its responsibilities to others, does work in a perfunctory manner or delays the procedures of handling matters may be criticized through a circular issued by a higher administrative organ. Those persons responsible may be given a disciplinary sanction according to the seriousness of the case.

  Article 40 Any staff member of administrative organs at different levels who ignores duties, practices favoritism to the detriment44 of the work shall be subject to educational criticism or a disciplinary sanction according to the seriousness of the case, or if a crime is constituted, be investigated for criminal responsibility.

  Article 41 Any petition maker who violates the petition administration process may be subject to educational criticism by the petition working office. The office may also recommend that the unit to which the petition maker is attached render to him educational criticism or give a disciplinary sanction. Any petition maker who violates public security management regulations shall be dealt with by the public security organ according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, or if the violation45 constitutes a crime, be investigated for criminal responsibility.

  Chapter VI Supplementary46 Provisions

  Article 42 Work of social organizations, enterprises or institutions concerning letters of petition shall be conducted by reference to the present Regulations.

  Article 43 Petitions made by foreigners, stateless persons or foreign organizations shall be handled by reference to the present Regulations.

  Article 44 The present Regulations shall come into effect as of the date of January 1, 1996.


1 formulated cfc86c2c7185ae3f93c4d8a44e3cea3c     
v.构想出( formulate的过去式和过去分词 );规划;确切地阐述;用公式表示
  • He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position. 他声称该作家从未有意识地阐明他自己的理论见解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This idea can be formulated in two different ways. 这个意思可以有两种说法。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
2 legitimate L9ZzJ     
  • Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.生病是请假的一个正当的理由。
  • That's a perfectly legitimate fear.怀有这种恐惧完全在情理之中。
3 erred c8b7e9a0d41d16f19461ffc24ded698d     
犯错误,做错事( err的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He erred in his judgement. 他判断错了。
  • We will work on those who have erred and help them do right. 我们将对犯了错误的人做工作,并帮助他们改正。
4 administrative fzDzkc     
  • The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。
  • He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾。
5 supervision hr6wv     
  • The work was done under my supervision.这项工作是在我的监督之下完成的。
  • The old man's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer.老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自监督下执行的。
6 jurisdiction La8zP     
  • It doesn't lie within my jurisdiction to set you free.我无权将你释放。
  • Changzhou is under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province.常州隶属江苏省。
7 ideological bq3zi8     
  • He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems. 他总是把学习和自己的思想问题联系起来。
  • He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work. 他告诉我怎样做思想工作,对我有很大帮助。
8 inspections c445f9a2296d8835cd7d4a2da50fc5ca     
n.检查( inspection的名词复数 );检验;视察;检阅
  • Regular inspections are carried out at the prison. 经常有人来视察这座监狱。
  • Government inspections ensure a high degree of uniformity in the standard of service. 政府检查确保了在服务标准方面的高度一致。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 competence NXGzV     
  • This mess is a poor reflection on his competence.这种混乱情况说明他难当此任。
  • These are matters within the competence of the court.这些是法院权限以内的事。
10 maker DALxN     
  • He is a trouble maker,You must be distant with him.他是个捣蛋鬼,你不要跟他在一起。
  • A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman.家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人。
11 makers 22a4efff03ac42c1785d09a48313d352     
  • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
  • The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 accusations 3e7158a2ffc2cb3d02e77822c38c959b     
n.指责( accusation的名词复数 );指控;控告;(被告发、控告的)罪名
  • There were accusations of plagiarism. 曾有过关于剽窃的指控。
  • He remained unruffled by their accusations. 对于他们的指控他处之泰然。
13 offenses 4bfaaba4d38a633561a0153eeaf73f91     
n.进攻( offense的名词复数 );(球队的)前锋;进攻方法;攻势
  • It's wrong of you to take the child to task for such trifling offenses. 因这类小毛病责备那孩子是你的不对。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Thus, Congress cannot remove an executive official except for impeachable offenses. 因此,除非有可弹劾的行为,否则国会不能罢免行政官员。 来自英汉非文学 - 行政法
14 negligence IjQyI     
  • They charged him with negligence of duty.他们指责他玩忽职守。
  • The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence.这次车祸据说是由于疏忽造成的。
15 infringements c954281a444bb04eab98d2db6b427383     
n.违反( infringement的名词复数 );侵犯,伤害
  • It'seems to me we've got to decide on wider issues than possible patent infringements. 我认为我们不能只考虑侵犯专利可能性这一问题,要对更大的一些问题做出决策。 来自企业管理英语口语(第二版)(2)
  • Wikipedia relies on its users to correct errors and spot copyright infringements. 维基百科主要依靠用户来纠正错误,并发现版权侵权行为。 来自互联网
16 stipulated 5203a115be4ee8baf068f04729d1e207     
vt.& vi.规定;约定adj.[法]合同规定的
  • A delivery date is stipulated in the contract. 合同中规定了交货日期。
  • Yes, I think that's what we stipulated. 对呀,我想那是我们所订定的。 来自辞典例句
17 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
18 submission lUVzr     
  • The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.战败将军缴剑表示投降。
  • No enemy can frighten us into submission.任何敌人的恐吓都不能使我们屈服。
19 intercept G5rx7     
  • His letter was intercepted by the Secret Service.他的信被特工处截获了。
  • Gunmen intercepted him on his way to the airport.持枪歹徒在他去机场的路上截击了他。
20 interfere b5lx0     
  • If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.如果我们干预的话,可能弊多利少。
  • When others interfere in the affair,it always makes troubles. 别人一卷入这一事件,棘手的事情就来了。
21 harass ceNzZ     
  • Our mission is to harass the landing of the main Japaness expeditionary force.我们的任务是骚乱日本远征军主力的登陆。
  • They received the order to harass the enemy's rear.他们接到骚扰敌人后方的命令。
22 arbitration hNgyh     
  • The wage disagreement is under arbitration.工资纠纷正在仲裁中。
  • Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。
23 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
24 coordination Ho8zt     
  • Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination.体操是一项需要高协调性的运动。
  • The perfect coordination of the dancers and singers added a rhythmic charm to the performance.舞蹈演员和歌手们配合得很好,使演出更具魅力。
25 factiously 57bb4d81ed70bf5255dbc85a203d924b     
26 residential kkrzY3     
  • The mayor inspected the residential section of the city.市长视察了该市的住宅区。
  • The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college.住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。
27 guardian 8ekxv     
  • The form must be signed by the child's parents or guardian. 这张表格须由孩子的家长或监护人签字。
  • The press is a guardian of the public weal. 报刊是公共福利的卫护者。
28 incapable w9ZxK     
  • He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed.他不会做出这么残忍的事。
  • Computers are incapable of creative thought.计算机不会创造性地思维。
29 abide UfVyk     
  • You must abide by the results of your mistakes.你必须承担你的错误所造成的后果。
  • If you join the club,you have to abide by its rules.如果你参加俱乐部,你就得遵守它的规章。
30 interfering interfering     
adj. 妨碍的 动词interfere的现在分词
  • He's an interfering old busybody! 他老爱管闲事!
  • I wish my mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions. 我希望我母亲不再干预,让我自己拿主意。
31 confiscate 8pizd     
  • The police have the right to confiscate any forbidden objects they find.如发现违禁货物,警方有权查扣。
  • Did the teacher confiscate your toy?老师没收你的玩具了吗?
32 repercussions 4fac33c46ab5414927945f4d05f0769d     
n.后果,反响( repercussion的名词复数 );余波
  • The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry. 这家公司的垮台将会给整个行业造成间接的负面影响。
  • Human acts have repercussions far beyond the frontiers of the human world. 人类行为所产生的影响远远超出人类世界的范围。 来自《简明英汉词典》
33 resolute 2sCyu     
  • He was resolute in carrying out his plan.他坚决地实行他的计划。
  • The Egyptians offered resolute resistance to the aggressors.埃及人对侵略者作出坚决的反抗。
34 adverse 5xBzs     
  • He is adverse to going abroad.他反对出国。
  • The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.用药不当会产生严重的不良反应。
35 compliance ZXyzX     
  • I was surprised by his compliance with these terms.我对他竟然依从了这些条件而感到吃惊。
  • She gave up the idea in compliance with his desire.她顺从他的愿望而放弃自己的主意。
36 scrupulous 6sayH     
  • She is scrupulous to a degree.她非常谨慎。
  • Poets are not so scrupulous as you are.诗人并不像你那样顾虑多。
37 impartial eykyR     
  • He gave an impartial view of the state of affairs in Ireland.他对爱尔兰的事态发表了公正的看法。
  • Careers officers offer impartial advice to all pupils.就业指导员向所有学生提供公正无私的建议。
38 ascertain WNVyN     
  • It's difficult to ascertain the coal deposits.煤储量很难探明。
  • We must ascertain the responsibility in light of different situtations.我们必须根据不同情况判定责任。
39 persuasions 7acb1d2602a56439ada9ab1a54954d31     
n.劝说,说服(力)( persuasion的名词复数 );信仰
  • To obtain more advertisting it needed readers of all political persuasions. 为获得更多的广告,它需要迎合各种政治见解的读者。 来自辞典例句
  • She lingered, and resisted my persuasions to departure a tiresome while. 她踌躇不去,我好说歹说地劝她走,她就是不听。 来自辞典例句
40 retaliate FBtzJ     
  • He sought every opportunity to retaliate against his enemy.他找机会向他的敌人反击。
  • It is strictly forbidden to retaliate against the quality inspectors.严禁对质量检验人员进行打击报复。
41 persecute gAwyA     
  • They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas.他们迫害那些不信奉他们思想的人。
  • Hitler's undisguised effort to persecute the Jews met with worldwide condemnation.希特勒对犹太人的露骨迫害行为遭到世界人民的谴责。
42 lodge q8nzj     
  • Is there anywhere that I can lodge in the village tonight?村里有我今晚过夜的地方吗?
  • I shall lodge at the inn for two nights.我要在这家小店住两个晚上。
43 analyze RwUzm     
vt.分析,解析 (=analyse)
  • We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.我们应该分析这场事变的因果。
  • The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师设法分析我们失败的原因。
44 detriment zlHzx     
  • Smoking is a detriment to one's health.吸烟危害健康。
  • His lack of education is a serious detriment to his career.他的未受教育对他的事业是一种严重的妨碍。
45 violation lLBzJ     
  • He roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声说,那是违反规则的。
  • He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
46 supplementary 0r6ws     
  • There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails.万一主水源断了,我们另外有供水的地方。
  • A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.附有索引的增补卷已经出版。