M. When persons were convicted of manslaughter in England, they were formerly1 marked with this letter on the brawn2 of the thumb.
2. This letter is sometimes put on the face of treasury3 notes of the United States, and signifies that the treasury note bears interest at the rate of one mill per centum, and not one per centum interest. 13 Peters, 176.
MACE-BEARER, Eng. law. An officer attending the court of session.
MACEDONIAN DECREE, civil law. A decree of the Roman senate, which derived4 its name from that of a certain usurer who was the cause of its being made, in consequence of his exactions. It was intended to protect sons who lived under the paternal5 jurisdiction6, from the unconscionable contracts which they sometimes made on the expectations after their fathers' deaths; another, and perhaps, the principle object, was to cast odium on the rapacious7 creditors8. It declared such contracts void. Dig. 14, 6, 1; Domat, Lois, Civ. liv. 1, tit. 6, §4; Fonbl. Eq . B. 1, c. 2, §12, note. Vide Catching9 bargain; Post obit.
MACHINATION. The act by which some plot or conspiracy10 is set on foot.
MACHINE. A contrivance which serves to apply or regulate moving power; or it is a tool more or less complicated, which is used to render useful natural instruments, Clef. des Lois Rom. h. t.
2. The act of congress gives to inventors the right to obtain a patent right for any new and useful improvement on any art, machine, manufacture, &c. Act of congress, July 4, 1836, s. 6. See Pet. C. C. 394; 3 Wash. C. C. 443; 1 Wash. C. C. 108; 1 Wash. C. C. 168; 1 Mason, 447; Paine, 300; 4 Wash. C. C. 538; 1 How. U. S., 202; S. C. 17 Pet. 228; 2 McLean, 176.
MADE KNOWN. These words are used as a return to a scire facias, when it has been served on the defendant11.
MAGISTER. A master, a ruler, one whose learning and position makes him su- perior to others, thus: one who has attained12 to a high degree, or eminence13, in science and literature, is called a master; as, master of arts.
MAGISTER AD FACULTATES, Eng. eccl. law. The title of an officer who grants dispensations; as, to marry, to eat flesh on days prohibited, and the like. Bac. Ab. Eccles. Courts, A 5.
MAGISTER NAVIS. The master of a ship; a sea captain. MAGISTER SOCIETATIS, Civil law. The principal manager of the business of a society or partnership14.